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"面向GPS个人出行调查的地理提示Web交互平台" 本文介绍了一个创新的网络面试平台,该平台利用地理空间提示来改善全球定位系统(GPS)为基础的家庭出行调查。在当前,我国城市在进行居民出行调查时,传统问卷方法常常面临数据质量低下和受访者负担过重的问题。GPS技术和基于互联网的地理空间技术的快速发展为解决这些问题提供了巨大潜力。 该平台的核心是通过Web实现的地理提示召回访谈。它利用了谷歌地图提供的地理定位和对象信息,将这些视觉和语义线索作为触发受访者回忆旅行经历的工具。这种设计有助于提高数据的准确性和完整性,因为受访者可以直观地看到他们过去的行程路线,并更容易地回想起相关的出行细节。 系统实现的功能包括用户自管理的通行证发放,这意味着受访者可以在方便的时间自行完成调查,减轻了传统面对面访谈的压力。此外,平台可能还包含行程记录分析、实时数据上传和可视化功能,使得研究人员能够迅速收集和分析大量的GPS轨迹数据。这种自动化和互动性的提升显著降低了调查过程中的错误率,同时减少了对受访者时间和精力的需求。 为了构建这个平台,研究团队可能采用了先进的GIS(地理信息系统)技术和软计算方法,如空间分析和模糊逻辑,以处理和解析复杂的地理数据。博士生陈雯和教授季民河在此领域的专业知识和研究背景,确保了平台的技术创新和实用性。 这个Web-based面试平台的出现标志着家庭出行调查领域的一个重要进步。它不仅提高了数据质量,降低了受访者的负担,而且为未来的交通规划和政策制定提供了更可靠的数据支持。随着技术的进一步发展,类似的解决方案可能会被广泛应用于城市交通研究和其他需要精准个人行为数据的领域。

(Telephone Number Word Generator) Standard telephone keypads contain the digits 0 through 9. The numbers 2 through 9 each have three letters associated with them, as is indicated by the following table: Many people find it difficult to memorize phone numbers, so they use the correspondence between digits and letters to develop seven-letter words that correspond to their phone numbers. For example, a person whose telephone number is 686-2377 might use the correspondence indi- cated in the above table to develop the seven-letter word “NUMBERS.” Businesses frequently attempt to get telephone numbers that are easy for their clients to remember. If a business can advertise a simple word for its customers to dial, then no doubt the business will receive a few more calls. Each seven-letter word corresponds to exactly one seven-digit telephone number. The restaurant wishing to increase its take-home business could surely do so with the number 825-3688 (i.e., “TAKEOUT”). Each seven-digit phone number corresponds to many separate seven-letter words. Unfortunately, most of these represent unrecognizable juxtaposi- tions of letters. It’s possible, however, that the owner of a barber shop would be pleased to know that the shop’s telephone number, 424-7288, corresponds to “HAIRCUT.” A veterinarian with the phone number 738-2273 would be happy to know that the number corresponds to “PETCARE.” Write a C++ program that, given a seven-digit number, writes to a file every possible seven-letter word corresponding to that number. There are 2187 (3 to the seventh power) such words. Avoid phone numbers with the digits 0 and 1.

2023-06-09 上传