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《iPhone开发与市场营销:无论他们在哪里,找到你的客户》是一本由Pearson Education出版的专业书籍,专为iOS开发者设计,旨在帮助他们在科技世界中不仅局限于编码,而是深入了解如何通过有效的市场策略和营销手段来推广自己的应用程序。作者Cindy Krum以其深入浅出的方式,教导读者如何在竞争激烈的移动应用市场中脱颖而出。 本书的核心内容涵盖了以下几个关键知识点: 1. **iPhone开发基础**:对于想要进入iOS开发领域的技术宅来说,章节首先介绍了iPhone开发的基本原理和技术架构,包括Swift语言、Xcode开发环境、App Store提交流程等,确保读者对平台有扎实的理解。 2. **移动营销策略**:书中详细探讨了移动营销的重要性,包括如何制定目标市场分析、定位产品特性和价值、用户画像建立以及竞品分析等内容。开发者将学会利用数据驱动的方法来优化营销决策。 3. **多渠道推广**:针对不同的用户群体,作者讲解了如何利用社交媒体、应用商店优化(ASO)、内容营销、电子邮件营销、线下活动等多元化渠道进行推广,让应用程序触达更广泛的受众。 4. **数字广告与分析**:书中还涵盖了Facebook Ads、Google AdWords等在线广告平台的运用,以及如何通过Google Analytics等工具追踪和评估营销效果,以便不断优化推广策略。 5. **版权与法律注意事项**:作者提醒读者在进行市场推广时,必须遵守版权法和相关法律法规,确保在合法范围内操作,避免潜在的法律风险。 6. **责任声明与版权限制**:在扉页中明确指出,未经许可,书中的任何部分均不得复制、存储或通过任何形式(如电子、机械、影印)传播,以保护知识产权。 这本书不仅提供了技术知识,更是实用性与理论相结合的指南,帮助iOS开发者提升应用程序的市场竞争力,实现商业成功。无论是对于初入行业的开发者还是资深专业人士,都能从中获得有价值的营销见解和实践经验。

(a) We can model this problem as a bipartite graph where one set of vertices represents the customers and the other set represents the representatives. We draw an edge between a customer and a representative only if the representative is qualified to serve that customer. Then, we can use the Hopcroft-Karp algorithm to find a maximum matching in this bipartite graph. If the size of the maximum matching is n, then all customers can be served simultaneously by a qualified representative. We can assign each customer the representative they are matched with. (b) To check whether a representative r can serve the VIP customer while the other n-1 customers can be served by qualified representatives, we first remove all edges incident to r from the bipartite graph. Then, we check whether the remaining subgraph has a matching that covers all customers except the VIP customer. If such a matching exists, then r can serve the VIP customer while the other n-1 customers can be served by qualified representatives. Otherwise, r cannot serve the VIP customer without affecting the capacity to serve the other customers. To implement this algorithm, we can modify the Hopcroft-Karp algorithm as follows. We start by removing all edges incident to r and finding a maximum matching in the remaining subgraph. If the size of the maximum matching is less than n-1, then r cannot serve the VIP customer. Otherwise, we add the VIP customer to the matching and check whether the resulting matching covers all customers. If it does, then r can serve the VIP customer while the other n-1 customers can be served by qualified representatives. Otherwise, r cannot serve the VIP customer without affecting the capacity to serve the other customers. The time complexity of this algorithm is O(n^3), since we need to run the Hopcroft-Karp algorithm twice, once on the original bipartite graph and once on the subgraph with edges incident to r removed.翻译

2023-05-22 上传