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"Learning Web Design 第四版:初级指南到HTML、CSS、JavaScript和网络图形设计" 在这个全面的教程中,"Learning Web Design" 是一本面向初学者的指南,涵盖了网页设计的基础技术,特别是HTML、CSS、JavaScript这三种关键的前端开发语言,以及网络图形设计的相关内容。作者 Jennifer Niederst Robbins 以其丰富的经验和深入浅出的讲解,帮助读者理解并掌握这些核心技术。 HTML (HyperText Markup Language) 是网页构建的基础,它定义了网页的结构和内容,包括文本、图像、链接等元素的组织方式。通过学习HTML,读者将学会如何创建网页的基本框架,如段落、列表、表格等,并理解如何使用语义化的标签来提升可访问性和SEO优化。 CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) 则是负责网页样式的规则集,让开发者能够控制页面布局、颜色、字体等视觉呈现。通过CSS,读者能实现动态和响应式设计,打造美观且功能丰富的用户界面。 JavaScript 是脚本语言,它赋予网页交互性,使网站能够动态更新内容、验证表单数据和实现动画效果。学习者将掌握如何利用JavaScript处理用户输入、操作DOM(Document Object Model)以及与服务器通信的基本概念。 此外,本书还涵盖了网络图形设计的重要部分,如矢量图形、位图处理、色彩理论和图像优化,这对于创建吸引人的网页元素至关重要。 本书第四版在2012年8月发布,反映了近年来前端技术的最新发展,不仅包含了基础概念的讲解,还可能包含了一些新的框架、工具和技术的介绍,如响应式设计原则、Bootstrap、SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics)和Web性能优化的最佳实践。 对于想要踏入网页设计或前端开发领域的人来说,"Learning Web Design" 不仅是一本实用的学习工具,也是技术进阶过程中不可或缺的参考书籍。通过阅读和实践,读者将建立起坚实的网页设计基础,并逐步提升自己的专业技能。
2019-01-09 上传
Learning Web Design: A Beginner’s Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics By 作者: Jennifer Robbins ISBN-10 书号: 1491960205 ISBN-13 书号: 9781491960202 Edition 版本: 5 出版日期: 2018-05-21 pages 页数: 808 英文原版超清 Do you want to build web pages but have no prior experience? This friendly guide is the perfect place to start. You’ll begin at square one, learning how the web and web pages work, and then steadily build from there. By the end of the book, you’ll have the skills to create a simple site with multicolumn pages that adapt for mobile devices. Each chapter provides exercises to help you learn various techniques and short quizzes to make sure you understand key concepts. This thoroughly revised edition is ideal for students and professionals of all backgrounds and skill levels. It is simple and clear enough for beginners, yet thorough enough to be a useful reference for experienced developers keeping their skills up to date. Build HTML pages with text, links, images, tables, and forms Use style sheets (CSS) for colors, backgrounds, formatting text, page layout, and even simple animation effects Learn how JavaScript works and why the language is so important in web design Create and optimize web images so they’ll download as quickly as possible NEW! Use CSS Flexbox and Grid for sophisticated and flexible page layout NEW! Learn the ins and outs of Responsive Web Design to make web pages look great on all devices NEW! Become familiar with the command line, Git, and other tools in the modern web developer’s toolkit NEW! Get to know the super-powers of SVG graphics Partl. Getting Started 1. Getting Started in Web Design D2. How the Web Works D3. Some Big Concepts You Need to Know Part ll. HTML for STRUCTURE 4. Creating a Simple Page D5. Marking Up Text D6. Adding Links 7. Adding lmages 8. Table Markup D9. Forms D10. Embedded Media Part ll. CSS for Presentation b11. Introducing Cascading Style Sheets 12. Formatting Text 13. Colors and Backgrounds b14. Thinking Inside the Box 15. Floating and Positioning D16. CSS Layout with Flexbox and Grid 17. Responsive Web Design D18. Transitions, Transforms, and Animation D19. More CSS Techniques D20. Modern Web Development Tools Part IV. JavaScript for Behavior D21. Introduction to JavaScript D22. Using JavaScript Part V. Web lmages D23. Web lmage Basics D24. Image Asset Production D25. SVG Part Vl. Appendices A. Answers B. HTML5 Global Attributes C. CSS Selectors, Levels 3 and4 DD. From HTML+to HTML5