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With the continuous development of electronic technology in China, automation equipment has become increasingly prevalent in our daily lives, providing a broad platform for research in embedded systems and intelligence. This project focuses on the design of an automatic line-tracking car control system using the MK60DN512VMD100 microcontroller as the core control unit. The system utilizes the OV7620 CMOS analog camera to detect track information, the TCL5510 high-speed AD conversion chip for grayscale image processing and binary conversion, and photodetector encoders to monitor the real-time speed of the car. By implementing a PID control algorithm to adjust the motor speed and steering of the servo motor, the system achieves closed-loop control of speed and direction. This project combines hardware and software components to create an efficient and effective automated control system for line-tracking cars.
109 浏览量
2023-06-28 上传
2023-07-06 上传
2023-07-09 上传
2021-10-02 上传

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