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CT technology is a cutting-edge technology that combines disciplines such as X-ray electronics, information science, and microelectronics. Because of its advanced non-destructive testing technology, it is widely used in medical, aerospace, and biological fields. With the advancement of technology, image reconstruction techniques have been applied to X-rays, which is a significant advancement in digital image processing. The quality of reconstructed images depends on the reconstruction algorithm used. From the perspective of image reconstruction, it mainly falls into two categories: analytical methods and iterative methods. Analytical methods use analytical and transformational reconstruction formulas to construct reconstructed images. It is characterized by easy implementation, fast speed, and the ability to reconstruct high-quality images but requires high completeness of projection data. Iterative methods use the solution of linear equation systems to reconstruct images, which can obtain high-quality images under low signal-to-noise ratio conditions. This paper will analyze the two algorithms from the perspectives of principles, applications, advantages, and disadvantages, focusing on the filtered back projection algorithm in analytical methods for parallel and fan beam projection modes. Finally, the image reconstruction will be performed through the combination of Visual C and MATLAB software, analyzing the impact of various parameters on the reconstructed images. Keywords: CT technology, image, reconstruction algorithm, filtered back projection algorithm.
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2022-05-12 上传
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