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《OpenStack基金会认证候选者手册》是专为OpenStack基金会认证OpenStack管理员(COA)版本1.0编写的指南,于2016年4月20日生效。该手册由OpenStack基金会所有,旨在提供关于其认证程序的全面信息。 认证概述: OpenStack基金会的认证计划是一个旨在验证个人对OpenStack技术理解和实践经验的重要步骤。这个计划的目标是确保获得COA认证的个体具备在OpenStack环境中高效操作、管理和维护的能力。 认证范围: 认证涵盖了OpenStack的关键组件和技术,包括但不限于网络、计算、存储、身份管理等。候选人需要展示他们对OpenStack核心功能、部署流程以及最佳实践的深入理解。 候选人要求: - 资格要求方面,候选人需具备一定的技术背景和经验,通常包括但不限于完成OpenStack相关的培训课程,或有实际的项目实施经验。 - 年龄不是限制条件,但必须满足一定的成熟度和责任感。 - 对于特殊需求的考生,如视力障碍或其他身体障碍,有相应的支持政策和设施来保障公平性。 - 必须签署保密协议和非歧视声明,确保遵守OpenStack社区的行为准则。 考试准备: - 考试注册流程包括确认资格、支付费用,并确保符合考试硬件和环境的要求。 - 需要检查系统的最低要求,如操作系统、浏览器等,以确保考试体验顺畅。 - 考生可以预约考试时间,并了解取消或改签政策。 - 手册中提供了详细的准备清单,包括姓名验证、重要提示等,以确保考试顺利进行。 考试过程: - 在考试过程中,考生将通过在线平台进入信息面板和认证信息面板,获取必要的指导和成绩反馈。 - 重要的是遵循考试指南,正确处理可能出现的问题和错误。 总结: 《OpenStack基金会认证候选者手册》为有意成为OpenStack COA的人员提供了详尽的指导,从资格审核、设备准备、报名流程到考试细节,确保每个环节都清晰明确。这是一份重要的参考材料,对于希望通过认证的人士来说,是提升专业技能、获取权威认证不可或缺的资源。

The OpenStack Foundation supported the creation of this book with plane tickets to Austin, lodging (including one adventurous evening without power after a windstorm), and delicious food. For about USD $10,000, we could collaborate intensively for a week in the same room at the Rackspace Austin office. The authors are all members of the OpenStack Foundation, which you can join. Go to the Foundation web site. We want to acknowledge our excellent host Rackers at Rackspace in Austin: Emma Richards of Rackspace Guest Relations took excellent care of our lunch orders and even set aside a pile of sticky notes that had fallen off the walls. Betsy Hagemeier, a Fanatical Executive Assistant, took care of a room reshuffle and helped us settle in for the week. The Real Estate team at Rackspace in Austin, also known as “The Victors,” were super responsive. Adam Powell in Racker IT supplied us with bandwidth each day and second monitors for those of us needing more screens. On Wednesday night we had a fun happy hour with the Austin OpenStack Meetup group and Racker Katie Schmidt took great care of our group. We also had some excellent input from outside of the room: Tim Bell from CERN gave us feedback on the outline before we started and reviewed it mid-week. Sébastien Han has written excellent blogs and generously gave his permission for re-use. Oisin Feeley read it, made some edits, and provided emailed feedback right when we asked. Inside the book sprint room with us each day was our book sprint facilitator Adam Hyde. Without his tireless support and encouragement, we would have thought a book of this scope was impossible in five days. Adam has proven the book sprint method effectively again and again. He creates both tools and faith in collaborative authoring at We couldn’t have pulled it off without so much supportive help and encouragement.

2023-07-23 上传