DS70116H-page 16 © 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.
The core does not support a multi-stage instruction
pipeline. However, a single stage instruction prefetch
mechanism is used, which accesses and partially
decodes instructions a cycle ahead of execution, in
order to maximize available execution time. Most
instructions execute in a single cycle with certain
The core features a vectored exception processing
structure for traps and interrupts, with 62 independent
vectors. The exceptions consist of up to 8 traps
(of which 4 are reserved) and 54 interrupts. Each
interrupt is prioritized based on a user assigned priority
between 1 and 7 (1 being the lowest priority and 7
being the highest), in conjunction with a predetermined
‘natural order’. Traps have fixed priorities ranging from
8 to 15.
2.2 Programmer’s Model
The programmer’s model is shown in Figure 2-1 and
consists of 16 x 16-bit working registers (W0 through
W15), 2 x 40-bit accumulators (AccA and AccB),
STATUS register (SR), Data Table Page register
(TBLPAG), Program Space Visibility Page register
(PSVPAG), DO and REPEAT registers (DOSTART,
DOEND, DCOUNT and RCOUNT) and Program
Counter (PC). The working registers can act as data,
address or offset registers. All registers are memory
mapped. W0 acts as the W register for file register
Some of these registers have a shadow register
associated with each of them, as shown in Figure 2-1.
The shadow register is used as a temporary holding
register and can transfer its contents to or from its host
register upon the occurrence of an event. None of the
shadow registers are accessible directly. The following
rules apply for transfer of registers into and out of
• PUSH.S and POP.S
W0, W1, W2, W3, SR (DC, N, OV, Z and C bits
only) are transferred.
• DO instruction
pushed on loop start, and popped on loop end.
When a byte operation is performed on a working
register, only the Least Significant Byte (LSB) of the
target register is affected. However, a benefit of
memory mapped working registers is that both the
Least and Most Significant Bytes (MSBs) can be
manipulated through byte wide data memory space
The dsPIC
DSC devices contain a software stack.
W15 is the dedicated software Stack Pointer (SP), and
will be automatically modified by exception processing
and subroutine calls and returns. However, W15 can be
referenced by any instruction in the same manner as all
other W registers. This simplifies the reading, writing
and manipulation of the Stack Pointer (e.g., creating
stack frames).
W15 is initialized to 0x0800 during a Reset. The user
may reprogram the SP during initialization to any
location within data space.
W14 has been dedicated as a Stack Frame Pointer as
defined by the LNK and ULNK instructions. However,
W14 can be referenced by any instruction in the same
manner as all other W registers.
The dsPIC DSC core has a 16-bit STATUS register
(SR), the LSB of which is referred to as the SR Low
byte (SRL) and the MSB as the SR High byte (SRH).
See Figure 2-1 for SR layout.
SRL contains all the MCU ALU operation status flags
(including the Z bit), as well as the CPU Interrupt
Priority Level status bits, IPL<2:0> and the Repeat
Active Status bit, RA. During exception processing,
SRL is concatenated with the MSB of the PC to form a
complete word value which is then stacked.
The upper byte of the STATUS register contains the
DSP Adder/Subtracter status bits, the DO Loop Active
bit (DA) and the Digit Carry (DC) Status bit.
The program counter is 23 bits wide; bit 0 is always
clear. Therefore, the PC can address up to 4M
instruction words.
Note: In order to protect against misaligned
stack accesses, W15<0> is always clear.