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"《Machine Learning and Security》是Clarence Chio和David Freeman合著的一本新书,专注于探讨如何利用数据和算法保护系统安全。该书汇集了学术界最新的研究思路以及在实战中运用机器学习保护用户安全的经验教训。" 本书深入浅出地介绍了将机器学习应用于信息安全领域的关键概念和技术。作者们旨在帮助读者理解如何利用机器学习来检测异常行为,以防御网络攻击,保护终端用户的安全。书中涵盖了从基础理论到实际应用的广泛内容,对于那些希望了解并实施机器学习技术来增强计算机系统安全的专业人士来说,是一份宝贵的资源。 其中,Alex Stamos,前Facebook首席安全官,对本书给予了高度评价,他认为这本书定义了未来在线安全的关键——防御者如何以互联网的规模和速度运用机器学习来发现和阻止恶意活动。Dan Boneh,斯坦福大学的计算机科学教授,也称赞本书为学习如何用机器学习技术保障计算机系统安全的优秀实践指南。 Nwokedi C. Idika,Google安全与隐私组织的软件工程师,表示通过这本书,读者可以对安全领域中的机器学习有一个清晰的高清晰度轮廓。这表明本书不仅提供了理论知识,还提供了实际操作的见解。 书中的内容可能包括但不限于以下几个方面: 1. 机器学习基础:介绍监督学习、无监督学习和强化学习等基本概念,以及它们在安全领域的应用。 2. 异常检测:探讨如何利用机器学习模型识别和标记异常网络行为,如入侵检测系统。 3. 风险评估:讨论如何通过机器学习算法评估潜在威胁,进行风险预测和优先级排序。 4. 数据预处理与特征工程:讲解如何处理安全相关的数据,提取关键特征,以提高模型的准确性。 5. 实时威胁响应:介绍如何构建实时机器学习系统,快速响应网络安全事件。 6. 模型评估与优化:讨论评估安全模型性能的方法,以及如何通过调整参数和选择更适合的算法来优化模型。 7. 隐私保护:探讨在利用数据进行机器学习的同时,如何保护用户隐私,避免数据泄露。 本书对于信息安全专业人士、数据科学家以及对网络安全感兴趣的读者来说,都是一本不可或缺的参考书籍,它揭示了如何将机器学习的力量应用于保护系统和用户免受不断演变的威胁。通过学习本书,读者可以掌握构建和应用机器学习模型来提升网络安全的实用技能。
2009-09-05 上传
Intrusion detection and analysis has received a lot of criticism and publicity over the last several years. The Gartner report took a shot saying Intrusion Detection Systems are dead, while others believe Intrusion Detection is just reaching its maturity. The problem that few want to admit is that the current public methods of intrusion detection, while they might be mature, based solely on the fact they have been around for a while, are not extremely sophisticated and do not work very well. While there is no such thing as 100% security, people always expect a technology to accomplish more than it currently does, and this is clearly the case with intrusion detection. It needs to be taken to the next level with more advanced analysis being done by the computer and less by the human. The current area of Intrusion Detection is begging for Machine Learning to be applied to it. Convergence of these two key areas is critical for it to be taken to the next level. The problem is that I have seen little research focusing on this, until now. After reading Machine Learning and Data Mining for Computer Security, I feel Dr Maloof has hit the target dead centre. While much research has been done across Computer Security independently and Machine Learning independently, for some reason no one wanted to cross-breed the two topics. Dr Maloof not only did a masterful job of focusing the book on a critical area that was in dire need of research, but he also strategically picked papers that complemented each other in a productive manner. Usually reading an edited volume like this, the chapters are very disjointed with no connection between them. While these chapters cover different areas of research, there is a hidden flow that complements the previous chapter with the next. While Dr Maloof points out in his Preface the intended audience, I feel that there are two additional critical groups. Firstly, I feel that any vendor or solution provider that is looking to provide a competitive a