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"这篇文档是IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC) 2020年2月刊的部分内容,涵盖了多个关于固态电路设计的研究论文,重点关注晶体管级的集成电路设计。"
在【标签】"jssc"中,这代表了与IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits相关的主题或讨论。
1. "A6.5–8.1-GHz Communication/Ranging VWB Transceiver for Secure Wireless Connectivity With Enhanced Bandwidth Efficiency and Energy Detection":这篇论文描述了一个6.5到8.1 GHz的超宽带(UWB)通信/测距收发器,旨在提高无线连接的安全性和带宽效率,并增强能量检测能力。这可能涉及新型的调制和检测技术,以及能效优化的电路设计。
2. "ACMOS 76–81-GHz 2-TX3-RX FMCW Radar Transceiver Based on Mixed-Mode PLL Chirp Generator":这篇论文介绍了一种基于混合模式锁相环(PLL)的76到81 GHz频段的双发射三接收FMCW雷达收发器。这种收发器利用了新颖的PLL技术来生成连续频率调制波,适用于高分辨率雷达应用。
3. "A Batteryless Padless Crystalless 116μm×116μm ‘Dielet’ Near-Field Radio With On-Chip Coil Antenna":这篇研究展示了一个无电池、无垫片、无晶体的116μm×116μm近场无线电,其包含片上线圈天线。这项技术可能涉及到能量收集和无线传输,用于物联网(IoT)设备等低功耗应用。
4. "A Reconfigurable Spectrum-Compressing Receiver for Non-Contiguous Carrier Aggregation in CMOS SOI":文章提到了一种可重构的频谱压缩接收器,用于非连续载波聚合(Carrier Aggregation)在CMOS绝缘体上硅(SOI)技术中的应用。这是5G通信系统中的关键技术,旨在提高频谱利用率和数据传输速率。
5. 其他论文涉及高线性度功率混频器、270-GHz基本频率发射机、事件驱动的准电平交叉ΔΣ调制器以及12位ADC的设计,这些都展示了在固态电路设计中的最新进展和创新。
[8] S. Sengupta, H. Ouh, and M. L. Johnston, “An all-digital CMOS ambient
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Sensors, Oct./Nov. 2017, pp. 1–3.
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photon avalanche diode readout for low-light dynamic range extension
in photodetector arrays,” in Proc. IEEE Custom Integr. Circuits Conf.
(CICC), Apr. 2018, pp. 1–4.
[10] B. Shen, S. Bose, and M. L. Johnston, “A 1.2 V–20 V closed-loop charge
pump for high dynamic range photodetector array biasing,” IEEE Trans.
Circuits Syst., II, Exp. Briefs, vol. 66, no. 3, pp. 327–331, Mar. 2018.
[11] C. Soci, A. Zhang, X.-Y. Bao, H. Kim, Y. Lo, and D. Wang, “Nanowire
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Mar. 2010.
[12] J.-S. Yoon, K. Kim, M. Meyyappan, and C.-K. Baek, “Optical charac-
teristics of silicon-based asymmetric vertical nanowire photodetectors,”
IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 64, no. 5, pp. 2261–2266, May 2017.
[13] K.-N. Lee et al., “Fabrication of silicon nanowire for biosensor appli-
cations,” in Proc. IEEE Sensors, Oct. 2006, pp. 1269–1271.
[14] A. Zhang, Y. Liu, and Y. H. Lo, “Characterization and physics of
top-down silicon nanowire phototransistors,” Proc. SPIE, vol. 7608,
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[15] K.-N. Lee, S.-W. Jung, K.-S. Shin, W.-H. Kim, M.-H. Lee, and
W.-K. Seong, “Fabrication of suspended silicon nanowire arrays,” Small,
vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 642–648, May 2008.
[16] J. Shin, K. Pi, S. Jung, and D.-I. D. Cho, “Silicon-nanowire field-effect
transistors on a flexible substrate using top-down MEMS processes,” in
Proc. MEMS, Jan. 2016, pp. 469–472.
[17] A. Zhang, H. Kim, J. Cheng, and Y. H. Lo, “Ultrahigh responsivity
visible and infrared detection using silicon nanowire phototransistors,”
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[18] M. N. Khiarak, S. Martel, Y. D. Koninck, and B. Gosselin, “A high-
sensitivity CMOS biophotometry sensor with embedded continuous-
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[19] R. Yun and V. M. Joyner, “A monolithically integrated phase-sensitive
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[20] W. Ahmad, M. Abdulaziz, M. Törmänen, and H. Sjöland, “CMOS
adaptive TIA with embedded single-ended to differential conversion for
analog optical links,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits Syst. (ISCAS),
May 2015, pp. 658–661.
[21] M. N. Khiarak et al., “A wireless fiber photometry system based
on a high-precision CMOS biosensor with embedded continuous-time
modulation,” IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst., vol. 12, no. 3,
pp. 495–509, Jun. 2018.
[22] M. N. Khiarak et al., “An energy-efficient CMOS biophotometry sensor
with incremental DT- ADC conversion,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp.
Circuits Syst. (ISCAS), May 2018, pp. 1–4.
[23] M. Lemkin and B. Boser, “A three-axis micromachined accelerometer
with a CMOS position-sense interface and digital offset-trim electron-
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[24] R. Hogervorst, J. P. Tero, R. G. H. Eschauzier, and J. H. Huijsing,
“A compact power-efficient 3 V CMOS rail-to-rail input/output opera-
tional amplifier for VLSI cell libraries,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circ uits,
vol. 29, no. 12, pp. 1505–1513, Dec. 1994.
[25] R. Wu, K. A. A. Makinwa, and J. H. Huisjing, “A chopper current-
feedback instrumentation amplifier with a 1 mHz 1/f noise corner and an
AC-coupled ripple reduction loop,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 44,
no. 12, pp. 3232–3243, Dec. 2009.
[26] M. A. T. Sanduleanu, A. J. M. Van Tuijl, R. F. Wassenaar,
M. C. Lammers, and H. Wallinga, “A low noise, low residual offset,
chopped amplifier for mixed level applications,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf.
Electron., Circuits Syst. Surfing Waves Sci. Technol., vol. 2, Sep. 1998,
pp. 333–336.
[27] R. Wu, Y. Chae, J. H. Huijsing, and K. A. A. Makinwa, “A 20-b
± 40-mV range read-out IC with 50-nV offset and 0.04% gain error
for bridge transducers,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 47, no. 9,
pp. 2152–2163, Sep. 2012.
[28] J. Markus, J. Silva, and G. C. Temes, “Theory and applications of
incremental converters,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, Reg. Papers,
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[29] J. Jun, C. Rhee, S. Kim, and S. Kim, “An SC interface with
programmable-gain embedded ADC for monolithic three-axis 3-D
stacked capacitive MEMS accelerometer,” IEEE Sensors J., vol. 17,
no. 17, pp. 5558–5568, Sep. 2017.
[30] J. Silva, U. Moon, J. Steensgaard, and G. C. Temes, “Wideband low-
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[31] C. C. Enz and G. C. Temes, “Circuit techniques for reducing the effects
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chopper stabilization,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 84, no. 11, pp. 1584–1614,
Nov. 1996.
[32] B. E. A. Saleh and M. C. Teich, Fundamentals of Photonics, 2nd ed.
Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley, 2007.
[33] C.-T. Chiang, “Design of CMOS monolithic digitized light transducer
with calibration technique for ambient light sensor applications,” IEEE
Sensors J., vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 1931–1940, May 2013.
[34] F. Tang et al., “A linear 126-dB dynamic range light-to-frequency
converter with dark current suppression upto 125
C for blood oxygen
concentration detection,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 63, no. 10,
pp. 3983–3988, Oct. 2016.
[35] C.-T. Chiang and J.-Y. Liou, “Design of a CMOS intelligent light sensing
chip for automatic brightness tuning applications,” IEEE Sensors J.,
vol. 13, no. 12, pp. 4955–4961, Dec. 2013.
[36] C.-T. Chiang, “Design of a CMOS monolithic digitized light detector
with noise insensitivity for light monitoring applications,” IEEE Sensors
J., vol. 14, no. 8, pp. 2537–2545, Aug. 2014.
Cyuyeol Rhee received the B.S. degree in electrical
engineering from the University of Toronto, Toronto,
ON, Canada, in 2010, and the Ph.D. degree in elec-
trical engineering from Seoul National University,
Seoul, South Korea, in 2019.
He is currently a Post-Doctoral Researcher with
Seoul National University. His research interests
include sensor readout circuits for various sensors
and data converters.
Junyoung Park (S’18) received the B.S. degree in
electrical engineering and computer science from
Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea,
in 2015, where he is currently pursuing the Ph.D.
His research interests include data convert-
ers and sensor interfaces, including low-power,
high-resolution systems.
Suhwan Kim (S’97–M’01–SM’07) received the
B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering
and computer science from Korea University, Seoul,
South Korea, in 1990 and 1992, respectively, and the
Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering and computer
science from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
MI, USA, in 2001.
From 1993 to 1999, he was with LG Elec-
tronics, Seoul, South Korea. From 2001 to 2004,
he was a Research Staff Member with IBM Thomas
J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY,
USA. In 2004, he joined Seoul National University, Seoul, where he is
currently a Professor of electrical and computer engineering. His research
interests include analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits, high-speed I/O
circuits, and silicon-photonic integrated circuits.
Dr. Kim was a recipient of the 1991 Best Student Paper Award of the IEEE
Korea Section, the First Prize (Operational Category) in the VLSI Design Con-
test of the 2001 ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, the Best Paper
Award of the 2009 Korean conference on semiconductors, and the 2011 Best
Paper Award of the International Symposium on Low-Power Electronics and
Design. He has served as the Organizing Committee Chair of the IEEE Asian
Solid-State Circuits Conference and the General Co-Chair and the Technical
Program Chair of the IEEE International System-on-Chip (SoC) Conference.
He has participated multiple times on the Technical Program Committee
of the IEEE International SOC Conference, the International Symposium
on Low-Power Electronics and Design, the IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits
Conference, and the IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference.
He has served as a Guest Editor for the IEEE J
CIRCUITS special issue on the IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference.
A 1.9-mW SVM Processor With On-Chip Active
Learning for E pileptic Seizure Control
Shuo-An Huang, Student Member, IEEE, Kai-Chieh Chang, Horng-Huei Liou,
and Chia-Hsiang Yang
, Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract—This article presents a support vector machine
(SVM) processor that supports both seizure detection and on-
chip model adaptation for epileptic seizure control. Alternating
direction method of multipliers (ADMM) is utilized for highly
parallel computing for SVM training. From the algorithm aspect,
minimum redundancy maximum relevance (mRMR) and low-
rank approximation are exploited to reduce overall computa-
tional complexity by 99.4% while also reducing memory storage
by 90.4%. For hardware optimization, overall hardware complex-
ity is reduced by 87% through a hardware-shared configurable
coordinate rotation digital computer (CORDIC)-based processing
element array. Parallel rotations and folded structure for the
approximate Jacobi method reduce overall training latency by
98.6%. The chip achieves a detection performance with a 96.6%
accuracy and a 0.28/h false alarm rate within 0.71 s with the
power dissipation of 1.9 mW. The proposed SVM processor
achieves the shortest detection latency compared with the state-
of-the-art seizure detectors. It also supports real-time model
adaptation with a latency of 0.78 s. Compared with previous
designs, this work achieves a 22× higher throughput and a
162× higher energy efficiency for SVM training.
Index Terms— CMOS digital-integrated circuits, electroen-
cephalogram (EEG), model adaptation, on-chip training, seizure
detection, support vector machine (SVM).
PILEPSY is a neurological disease caused by abnor-
mal discharges in the brain and affects over 50 million
people worldwide [1]. 70% of epilepsy patients can be
controlled using medication, while the others need to be
treated through brain surgery [2], [3]. However, this surgery
entails potential risks for memory impairm ent, movement
malfunction, or visual field loss. Moreover, surgery may not
be possible for patients who experience untraceable seizures.
Manuscript received July 25, 2019; revised October 17, 2019; accepted
November 12, 2019. Date of publication December 3, 2019; date of current
version January 28, 2020. This article w a s approve d by Associate Editor
Dennis Sylvester. This work was supported in part by the Ministry of Science
and Technology, Taiwan, under Grant MOST 106-2314-B-002-184, in part by
the Intelligent and Sustainable Medical Electronics Research Fund in National
Taiwan Uni versity, and in part by the NOVATEK Fellowship. (Corresponding
author: Chia-Hsiang Yang.)
S.-A. Huang is with the Graduate Institute of Electronics Engineering,
National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan.
K.-C. Chang and H.-H. Liou are with the Department of Neurology, National
Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei 10002, Taiwan.
C.-H. Yang is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, National
Taiwan Uni versity, Taipei 10617, Taiwan, and also with the Graduate Institute
of Electronics Engineering, National Taiwan University, T aipei 10617, Taiwan
(e-mail: chyee@ntu.edu.tw).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2019.2954775
Fig. 1. Closed-loop neuromodulation system.
A promising solution is neuromodulation that suppresses the
abnormal brain dynamics through electrical stimulation [3].
Neuromodulation systems can be classified into open-loop
and closed-loop systems. The open-loop system periodically
stimulates a specific region in the brain, while the closed-
loop system only stimulates the brain whenever seizures are
Fig. 1 shows a closed-loop neuromodulation system. A very
large-scale integration (VLSI) device is placed to sense neural
signals and to detect seizures. The VLSI device includes
analog front-end circuits to record neural signals from elec-
trodes, a digital signal processor for seizure detection, and an
electrical stimulator. Once a seizure is detected, the seizure
detector sends a command to trigger the stimulator. The stim-
ulator generates electrical impulses that can suppress seizures.
In the closed-loop neuromodulation system, the seizure detec-
tor plays a crucial role since effective seizure control relies on
real-time, low-power, and accurate seizure detection.
For seizure detection, several features have been identified
that allow seizures to be distinguished from normal brain
activities. These features include accumulated energy, corre-
lation, synchronization, and so on [4]–[7]. With the aid of
machine-learning techniques, such as a support vector machine
(SVM) [8], [9] and a neural network [10], [11], parameters
for seizure detection can be properly selected through training
samples. An SVM has a lower computational complexity for
inference and achieves a better performance given a few train-
ing samples, which is usually the case for seizure detection.
Shoeb [12] demonstrated an SVM-based seizure detection
0018-9200 © 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
algorithm using spectral-energy features. For hardware real-
ization, an analog approach has been proposed for classifi-
cation [13]. Analog SVM classifiers [14], [15] achieve short
classification latencies, but only support simple classification
models with small feature dimensions. In contrast, digital
approaches [16]–[20] accommodate complex SVM models and
achieve higher classification accuracies.
However, seizure patterns differ from patient to patient and
may vary over time [22]. In addition, several non-seizure
patterns, such as eye blinking, cannot be easily classified.
A cu stom model is preferred in order to improve the detection
accuracy, but a low incidence of seizures makes pre-training
for personal SVM models difficult, even with 24-h electroen-
cephalography (EEG) recordings. Thus, a machine-learning
kernel that includes active learning, also regarded as model
adaptation, is essential for mitigating temporal variations by
tracking the latest recorded data and dynamically adjusting the
An off-line model adaptation is proposed in [18], which
wirelessly transmits EEG signals to an external device. The
model is then re-trained based on the new incoming data,
and the updated weights are sent back to the VLSI device
to aid in subsequent detection. However, this approach entails
risks in security and privacy. Wireless transmission also intro-
duces additional power consumption. On-chip adaptation is
preferable and necessary, but it poses challenges for hardware
design due to the high computational complexity. An on-chip
trainable analog SVM classifier is proposed in [23], but it
only supports 12 2-D training samples, which is not sufficient
for practical applications. A sequential minimal optimization
(SMO)-based SVM training algorithm has been realized on a
field-programmable gate array (FPGA) [24], [25]. However,
the slow convergence characteristics of the SMO algorithm
require a high clock frequency and introduce high p ower given
the real-time constraints. An algorithm that provides a fast
convergent rate is, therefore, critical for low-power and real-
time model adaptation.
This ar ticle presents an SVM processor for seizure d etection
with active learning to achieve on-chip adaptation with low
power consumption in real time. The proposed seizure detector
supports both SVM inference and training based on the
selected features proposed in [12]. An SVM training algorithm
is developed by employing the alternating direction method
of multipliers (ADMM), which can be computed in a highly
parallel way and achieves rapid convergence [26]. To achieve
a high d etection accuracy, a non-linear SVM is applied. The
complexity of ADMM-based non-linear SVM training is con-
strained by the matrix dimensions, which is associated with the
number of training samples [27]. To enhance the flexibility of
hardware design, a minimum-redundancy maximum-relevance
(mRMR) feature selection determines the most representative
features to reduce the overall computational complexity [28].
Furthermore, a low-rank approximation is used for the kernel
matrix to further reduce matrix computation complexity [29].
For hardware design, a configurable coordinate rotation digital
computer (CORDIC)-based processing element (PE) array
is proposed that computes the required linear and non-
linear functions. Real-valued fast Fourier transform (RFFT)
is efficiently realized b y using complex-valued FFT (CFFT).
To tackle the large dynamic data range during the training
process, a custom floating-point (FLP) arithmetic unit is pro-
posed. The contributions of this work include the following.
1) The computational complexity for SVM inference and
training is greatly reduced by 99.4% through low-
rank approximation, making real-time seizure detection
2) A customized FLP arithmetic unit and an FLP
CORDIC-based PE support precise computation to
tackle a high dynamic range in the training process.
3) A hardware-shared and folded SVM processor architec-
ture reduces the silicon area by 87%.
4) A PE array architecture that implements an approximate
Jacobi method with parallel rotations reduces the latency
for eigenvalue decomposition (EVD) by 98.6%.
5) An on-chip SVM model adaptation scheme used for
seizure d etection reduces the false alarm rate (FAR) by
nearly 40%.
This article is organized as follows. Section II describes
the seizure detection algorithm and the ADMM-based SVM
training algorithm. Techniques for complexity reduction at
the algorithm level are also presented. Section III describes
the system architectu re and the design features for efficient
hardware mapping. Section IV shows the chip validation
and the performance comparison. Finally, Section V draws
SVM is a supervised machine-learning model for solving
binary classification problems. It features sparse weights and
low computational complexity in inference. SVMs can be
categorized into linear and non-linear types. A non-linear SVM
provides higher classification accuracy than the linear SVM
when the data are non-linearly distributed. Thus, the non-
linear SVM is adopted in this work to achieve accurate
seizure detection. Although the non-linear SVM performs
better in classification, its computational complexity in both
inference and training is much higher than its linear counter-
part. Techniques for reducing the complexity of the non-linear
SVM are, therefore, applied.
A. Feature Extraction for Seizure Detection
Fig. 2 shows the flow for SVM-based seizure detection.
The spectral features fro m multi-channel EEG signals are
extracted and classified. For each channel, the EEG signals
are transformed into the spectral domain in a window size
of 512 samples. The spectral energy features are extracted
from the 0.5–24-Hz frequency band, as in [12]. Since the
spectra of both seizures and normal events (such as eye
blinks) contain large energy components [12], which suppress
the components in other frequency bands, the low-frequency
band of 0.5–3 Hz is discarded here. In this work, eight
spectral energy features from each channel are extracted
from the 3–26-Hz frequency band, yielding 112 features for
14 channels.
Fig. 2. Seizure detection using a non-linear SVM classifier.
B. ADMM-Based SVM Training
Many SVM training algorithms have been developed for
SVMs by employing decomposition techniques, such as
SMO [31], LIBSVM [32], and the cutting-plane method [33].
However, most are highly sequential and unsuitable for parallel
processing on the hardware. ADMM is a technique that
partitions a variable-jointed convex optimization problem into
several smaller and easier problems to manage sub-problems
so that the targeting variables or weight coefficients can be
alternatively updated in a parallel manner [34]. In this work,
a highly parallel ADMM-based algorithm is adopted to solve
the non-linear SVM training problem and to achieve real-
time training [35]. Comp ared with SMO, the ADMM-based
algorithm achieves a 9.8 × 10
shorter latency in convergence.
The details of the mathematical formulation for the
ADMM-based SVM training algorithm can be found in [35].
This type of ADMM-based algorithm for SVM training
involves large-scale matrix inversion, in which the matrix
dimensions are associated with the number of training samples.
Generally, the matrix dimensions range from hundreds to
thousands for seizure detection applications, m aking hardware
realization infeasible. To address this issue, feature selec-
tion [28] and rank approximation [29] are utilized in order
to reduce the memory storage and computational complexity
C. Feature Selection
In this work, the mRMR feature selection alg orithm [28] is
applied to reduce the feature vector dimensions. The mRMR
algorithm selects the features that have the maximum relevance
D with the original feature set C,aswellastheminimum
redundancy R with the selected feature set S,asshown
in Fig. 3. The redundancy and relevance are measured by
the correlation. The mRMR algorithm reduces the computa-
tional complexity in both training and inference for an SVM
classifier. After applying feature selection, only 16 features
are needed rather than 112 spectral-energy features. Without
sacrificing the detection accuracy, the memory storage and
computational computation are reduced by 26% and 81%,
D. Rank Approximation
Applying the ADMM algorithm to the non-linear SVM
training problem is still challenging since it involves
Fig. 3. mRMR feature selection flow.
Fig. 4. Computational complexity and memory storage reductions due to
feature selection and low-rank approximation.
high-dimensional matrix manipulations. The Nyström
method [29] is used to approximate the kernel matrix by
determining a rank-r matrix
as given by
= V · V
. (1)
The rank r can be much smaller than the original matrix
dimensions, which greatly reduces the computational complex-
ity for the associated matrix manipulations.
Table I shows the hardware complexity for the linear
SVM, the non-linear SVM, and the model adopted in this
work. The minimum N is 256 and r is set to 16. The
dimensions for the matrix inversion for non-linear SVM
training are reduced from N × N to r × r. It is noted that
the non-linear decision boundary property is preserved even
Fig. 5. System architecture for the proposed SVM processor .
if the rank of the kernel matrix is approximated. A high
classification accuracy is still achieved with a much lower
computational complexity. By applying rank approximation,
the computational complexity and the memory storage are
reduced by 97% and 87%, respectively. Additionally, low-rank
approximation also reduces the computational complexity for
SVM inference, which is proportional to the number of support
vectors. By employing low-rank approximation, the number
of support vectors is reduced from N to r, enabling real-time
inference for seizure d etection.
Fig. 4 summaries the reductions in computational com-
plexity and memory storage after applying both the feature
selection and the low-rank approximation techniques. The
overall computational complexity is reduced by 99.4% and
the memory storage is reduced by 90.4%. This allows feasible
hardware mapping for on-chip SVM training.
Fig. 5 shows the proposed SVM processor for seizure
detection. The processor includes a feature extractor, an SVM
processing engine, and a memory bank. The spectral-energy
features are extracted through RFFT, which can be effi-
ciently realized by CFFT, requiring half the number of points.
Fig. 6. Dynamic range analysis for both the matrix inversion and ADMM
variable update phases.
The extracted features are either sent to the SVM processing
engine for SVM inference or stored in the training data
memory for model adaptation. All the computations required
in both the SVM inference and the training are performed
in parallel through a configurable CORDIC-based PE array.
The PE array can be configured to support various matrix
manipulations with different dimensions. Two caches are
designed to store the recently used and the intermediate data.
Four parallel index generators generate the rotation indices
for matrix inversion. Two clock domains are allocated and
clock gating is extensively applied so as to reduce power
A. Cu stomized FLP Arithmetic Unit
Fig. 6 shows the dynamic range analysis for both the matrix
inversion and the ADMM iterative update phases. As a refer-
ence design, 34-bit datapaths in fixed-point (FP) arithmetic
are able to accommodate the dynamic range of [10
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