Unified Spectral Clustering with Optimal Graph
Zhao Kang,
Chong Peng,
Qiang Cheng,
Zenglin Xu
School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
Department of Computer Science, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, USA
Institute of Biomedical Informatics and Department of Computer Science, University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA
zkang@uestc.edu.cn, pchong@siu.edu, qiang.cheng@uky.edu, zlxu@uestc.edu.cn
Spectral clustering has found extensive use in many areas.
Most traditional spectral clustering algorithms work in three
separate steps: similarity graph construction; continuous la-
bels learning; discretizing the learned labels by k-means clus-
tering. Such common practice has two potential flaws, which
may lead to severe information loss and performance degra-
dation. First, predefined similarity graph might not be optimal
for subsequent clustering. It is well-accepted that similarity
graph highly affects the clustering results. To this end, we
propose to automatically learn similarity information from
data and simultaneously consider the constraint that the sim-
ilarity matrix has exact c connected components if there are
c clusters. Second, the discrete solution may deviate from the
spectral solution since k-means method is well-known as sen-
sitive to the initialization of cluster centers. In this work, we
transform the candidate solution into a new one that better
approximates the discrete one. Finally, those three subtasks
are integrated into a unified framework, with each subtask it-
eratively boosted by using the results of the others towards
an overall optimal solution. It is known that the performance
of a kernel method is largely determined by the choice of ker-
nels. To tackle this practical problem of how to select the most
suitable kernel for a particular data set, we further extend our
model to incorporate multiple kernel learning ability. Exten-
sive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our proposed
method as compared to existing clustering approaches.
Clustering is a fundamental technique in machine learning,
pattern recognition, and data mining (Huang et al. 2017). In
past decades, a variety of clustering algorithms have been
developed, such as k-means clustering and spectral cluster-
With the benefits of simplicity and effectiveness, k-means
clustering algorithm is often adopted in various real-world
problems. To deal with the nonlinear structure of many prac-
tical data sets, kernel k-means (KKM) algorithm has been
developed (Sch
olkopf, Smola, and M
uller 1998), where data
points are mapped through a nonlinear transformation into a
higher dimensional feature space in which the data points
Corresponding author.
2018, Association for the Advancement of Artificial
Intelligence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved.
are linearly separable. KKM usually achieves better perfor-
mance than the standard k-means. To cope with noise and
outliers, robust kernel k-means (RKKM) (Du et al. 2015) al-
gorithm has been proposed. In this approach, the squared
norm of error construction term is replaced by
RKKM demonstrates superior performance on a number of
benchmark data sets. The performance of such model-based
methods heavily depends on whether the data fit the model.
Unfortunately, in most cases, we do not know the distribu-
tion of data in advance. To some extent, this problem is alle-
viated by multiple kernel learning.
Spectral clustering is another widely used clustering
method (Kumar, Rai, and Daume 2011). It enjoys the ad-
vantage of exploring the intrinsic data structures by ex-
ploiting the different similarity graphs of data points (Yang
et al. 2015). There are three kinds of similarity graph
constructing strategies: k-nearest-neighborhood (knn); -
nearest-neighborhood; The fully connected graph. Here,
some open issues arise (Huang, Nie, and Huang 2015): 1)
how to choose a proper neighbor number k or radius ;2)
how to select an appropriate similarity metric to measure
the similarity among data points; 3) how to counteract the
adverse effect of noise and outliers; 4) how to tackle data
with structures at different scales of size and density. Unfor-
tunately, all of these issues heavily influence the clustering
results (Zelnik-Manor and Perona 2004). Nowadays, many
data are often high dimensional, heterogeneous, and without
prior knowledge, and it is therefore a fundamental challenge
to define a pairwise similarity graph for effective spectral
Recently, (Zhu, Change Loy, and Gong 2014) construct
robust affinity graphs for spectral clustering by identifying
discriminative features. It adopts a random forest approach
based on the motivation that tree leaf nodes contain discrimi-
native data partitions, which can be exploited to capture sub-
tle and weak data affinity. This approach shows better per-
formance than other state-of-the-art methods including the
Euclidean-distance-based knn (Wang et al. 2008), dominant
neighbourhoods (Pavan and Pelillo 2007), consensus of knn
(Premachandran and Kakarala 2013), and non-metric based
unsupervised manifold forests (Pei, Kim, and Zha 2013).
The second step of spectral clustering is to use the spec-
trum of the similarity graph to reveal the cluster structure of
the data. Due to the discrete constraint on the cluster labels,
The Thirty-Second AAAI Conference
on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-18)