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"EnterpriseRails是关于使用Ruby on Rails框架构建企业级应用的资源集合,它涵盖了从高级Rails技术到基础的Rails和Ruby学习资源。这个集合还包括与Rails相关的书籍,如Ajax and Rails、Learning Rails以及Ruby编程语言的专著。O'Reilly Media是知名的科技图书出版商,他们提供的在线平台oreilly.com不仅有完整的图书目录,还提供了新闻、事件、文章、博客、样本章节和代码示例。oreillynet.com则致力于开放和新兴技术的信息分享,包括新的平台、编程语言和操作系统。此外,O'Reilly组织的会议汇集了创新者,推动行业革命性的发展。Safari Bookshelf是一个在线参考图书馆,提供超过1000本书的搜索功能,帮助程序员和IT专业人士快速找到问题的答案。" 在《企业Rails》中,读者可以期待深入探讨如何利用Ruby on Rails(RoR)框架来构建稳定、可扩展且高效的企业级应用程序。RoR是一个基于模型-视图-控制器(MVC)架构的开源Web开发框架,以其DRY(Don't Repeat Yourself)原则和生产力提升而闻名。在企业环境中,这些特性使得RoR成为构建复杂应用的理想选择。 "Advanced Rails"可能涉及的主题包括:复杂的数据库查询、性能优化、安全最佳实践、测试驱动开发(TDD)、集成测试、部署策略、自定义gem开发以及如何与其他服务或API集成等。"Ajax and Rails"则可能涵盖如何利用Ajax技术提高Rails应用的用户体验,实现页面无刷新更新和异步交互。 "Learning Rails"适合初学者,它会教授Rails的基础知识,如路由、控制器、视图、模型以及ActiveRecord等。"Learning Ruby"则为想要深入理解Ruby语言的读者提供指导,包括Ruby的元编程能力、块、Proc对象和闭包等特性。 此外,"Rails Cookbook"是一本实用指南,提供了解决常见问题和挑战的代码示例。"Rails: Up and Running"通常会介绍快速搭建Rails环境和创建第一个应用的方法。"Ruby Cookbook"同样提供了一系列解决Ruby编程中遇到问题的解决方案。 O'Reilly的在线平台oreilly.com和oreillynet.com为开发者提供了丰富的资源,包括对最新工具和技术的跟踪报道,以及各种编程语言和操作系统的深入学习材料。而Safari Bookshelf订阅服务则允许用户随时随地访问大量技术书籍,以快速获取所需的技术信息,提高工作效率。通过参与O'Reilly组织的会议,专业人士可以接触到最新的技术趋势和创新思维,进一步提升自身技能。
2009-08-03 上传
Enterprise Rails is indispensable for anyone planning to build enterprise web services. It's one thing to get your service off the ground with a framework like Rails, but quite another to construct a system that will hold up at enterprise scale. The secret is to make good architectural choices from the beginning. Chak shows you how to make those choices. Ignore his advice at your peril. --Hal Abelson, Prof. of Computer Science and Engineering, MIT What does it take to develop an enterprise application with Rails? Enterprise Rails introduces several time-tested software engineering principles to prepare you for the challenge of building a high-performance, scalable website with global reach. You'll learn how to design a solid architecture that ties the many parts of an enterprise website together, including the database, your servers and clients, and other services as well. Many Rails developers think that planning for scale is unnecessary. But there's nothing worse than an application that fails because it can't handle sudden success. Throughout this book, you'll work on an example enterprise project to learn first-hand what's involved in architecting serious web applications. With this book, you will: * Tour an ideal enterprise systems layout: how Rails fits in, and which elements don't rely on Rails * Learn to structure a Rails 2.0 application for complex websites * Discover how plugins can support reusable code and improve application clarity * Build a solid data model--a fortress--that protects your data from corruption * Base an ActiveRecord model on a database view, and build support for multiple table inheritance * Explore service-oriented architecture and web services with XML-RPC and REST * See how caching can be a dependable way to improve performance Building for scale requires more work up front, but you'll have a flexible website that can be extended easily when your needs change. Enterprise Rails teaches you how to architect scalable Rails applications from the ground up.