马召坤与马兰德证明Riemann Hypothesis不成立:全新根轨迹方法

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本文由马召坤和马兰德两位作者合作完成,他们在中国科技论文在线上发表了一篇名为《Riemann Hypothesis的全面解决》的首发论文。该研究专注于著名的黎曼猜想,这是一种关于黎曼ζ函数的未解数学难题。黎曼猜想提出,所有非平凡零点的实部都位于1/2处,这是数论领域的重要问题,它与素数分布有着深远的联系。 作者在假设黎曼猜想成立的前提下,利用Riemann ζ辅助函数的根轨迹这一数学工具进行了深入分析。通过推导,他们成功地得到了两个具有“公共根轨迹”的相邻非平凡零点之间的距离估计公式。这个公式对于理解非平凡零点的分布具有重要意义,因为它提供了计算这些零点之间间距的理论基础。 基于这个距离公式,研究人员进一步计算了临界线上的非平凡零点数量。然而,他们得出的结果远远超出了黎曼和其他数学家先前对非平凡零点个数的估计,这导致了一个明显的偏差,与黎曼猜想预期的结论相悖。这一发现揭示了原假设的不成立,从而直接证明了黎曼猜想是错误的。 这篇论文的贡献在于引入了根轨迹这一新颖的数学工具,不仅挑战了黎曼猜想,还对数论中的一个经典问题给出了全新的解决方案。文章的关键词包括Riemann ζ辅助函数、根轨迹、非平凡零点以及根轨迹方程,这些概念在数学文献中具有很高的学术价值。 马召坤和马兰德的工作不仅推进了黎曼猜想的研究边界,也展示了数学中理论工具创新在解决复杂问题中的关键作用。他们的发现对于整个数学界来说是一次重要的突破,可能引发对黎曼ζ函数和素数分布理论的重新评估。
2013-06-05 上传
Contains recent advances and results in number theory Collects papers never before published in book form Explains the Riemann Hypothesis to someone without a background in complex analysis The Riemann Hypothesis has become the Holy Grail of mathematics in the century and a half since 1859 when Bernhard Riemann, one of the extraordinary mathematical talents of the 19th century, originally posed the problem. While the problem is notoriously difficult, and complicated even to state carefully, it can be loosely formulated as "the number of integers with an even number of prime factors is the same as the number of integers with an odd number of prime factors." The Hypothesis makes a very precise connection between two seemingly unrelated mathematical objects, namely prime numbers and the zeros of analytic functions. If solved, it would give us profound insight into number theory and, in particular, the nature of prime numbers. This book is an introduction to the theory surrounding the Riemann Hypothesis. Part I serves as a compendium of known results and as a primer for the material presented in the 20 original papers contained in Part II. The original papers place the material into historical context and illustrate the motivations for research on and around the Riemann Hypothesis. Several of these papers focus on computation of the zeta function, while others give proofs of the Prime Number Theorem, since the Prime Number Theorem is so closely connected to the Riemann Hypothesis. The text is suitable for a graduate course or seminar or simply as a reference for anyone interested in this extraordinary conjecture. Content Level » Professional/practitioner Related subjects » History of Mathematical Sciences - Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics