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《O'Reilly Media》的《Learning Android 第二版》是一本经典的安卓开发教程,由Marko Gargenta和Masumi Nakamura共同撰写。本书在2014年出版,旨在为读者提供全面而深入的安卓应用开发指南。它不仅适合个人学习者,也适用于教育、商业或销售推广用途,同时提供了在线版本供读者选择。 该书的版权由作者享有,并且强调所有权利保留。印刷版本是在美国加利福尼亚州Sebastopol的O'Reilly Media公司发行。编辑方面,Andy Oram和Rachel Roumeliotis负责整体内容的把控,确保了编排和质量的严谨。生产编辑Kara Ebrahim、Copyeditor Kim Cofer、Proofreader Amanda Kersey以及Indexer Meghan Jones等专业人员共同参与了图书的制作过程,确保了内容的专业性和准确性。 封面设计由Randy Comer操刀,内部设计则由David Futato负责,增添了书籍的艺术美感。插图部分则交给了Rebecca Demarest来呈现,使抽象的概念更具视觉冲击力。此书的第二版在2014年1月8日首次发布,有兴趣的读者可以访问O'Reilly网站获取更详细的修订历史和错误修正信息,网址是http://oreilly.com/catalog/errata.csp?isbn=9781449319236。 《Learning Android 第二版》的核心内容涵盖了安卓开发的基础知识,包括Android应用程序架构、用户界面设计、组件和模块管理、网络编程、数据库操作、多媒体处理以及性能优化等方面。书中通过实例和实战项目,帮助读者掌握Android SDK的使用,理解Android应用程序的工作原理,并逐步提升开发技能。无论你是初学者还是有一定经验的开发者,都能从中找到适合自己水平的内容,从而在安卓开发领域取得成功。
2019-01-13 上传
Java: High-Performance Apps with Java 9: Boost your application’s performance with the new features of Java 9 By 作者: Mayur Ramgir – Nick Samoylov ISBN-10 书号: 1789130514 ISBN-13 书号: 9781789130515 出版日期: 2018-03-13 pages 页数: 257 Contents 1: LEARNING JAVA 9 UNDERLYING PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENTS 2: TOOLS FOR HIGHER PRODUCTIVITY AND FASTER APPLICATION 3: MULTITHREADING AND REACTIVE PROGRAMMING 4: MICROSERVICES 5: MAKING USE OF NEW APIS TO IMPROVE YOUR CODE What You Will Learn Familiarize with modular development and its impact on performance Learn various string-related performance improvements, including compact string and modify string concatenation Explore various underlying compiler improvements, such as tiered attribution and Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation Learn security manager improvements Understand enhancements in graphics rasterizers Use of command-line tools to speed up application development Learn how to implement multithreading and reactive programming Build microservices in Java 9 Implement APIs to improve application code Authors Mayur Ramgir Mayur Ramgir has more than 16 years of experience in the software industry, working at various levels. He is a Sun Certified Java Programmer and Oracle Certified SQL Database Expert. He completed an MS in computational science and engineering at Georgia Tech, USA (rank 7th in the world for computer science), and an M.Sc. in multimedia application and virtual environments at University of Sussex, UK. He has also attended various universities for other degrees and courses, such as MIT for applied software security, and University of Oxford for system and software security. He is the CEO of a software company, Zonopact, Inc. headquartered in Boston, USA, which specializes in bringing innovative applications based on AI, robotics, big data, and more. He has single-handedly developed Zonopact’s flagship product, Clintra (B2B-integrated AI-assisted business management software). He is also the inventor of two patent pending technologies, ZPOD (an automated cloud-based medical kiosk system) and ZPIC (an AI-enabled robotic in-car camera system). Apart from this, he is also a prolific business writer who has authored two international award-winning books, Unbarred Innovation: A Pathway to Greatest Discoveries and Evolve Like a Butterfly: A Metamorphic Approach to Leadership. He was featured on the TV and in print media, including Fox News, NBC News, CBS News, Fox Business, Bloomberg International TV, Forbes, Inc. magazine, Daily Mirror, and The Huffington Post. He is also a contributing author of New York Daily Newspaper, the Software Development Times magazine, Newsmax Finance, AlleyWatch, Singapore’s top entrepreneurship magazine Young Upstarts, and several more. He is frequently invited as a guest lecturer at various technical and management schools. He has also been invited as a judge at an international innovation challenge competition (Living Talent) in Dubai in December 2017. Nick Samoylov Nick Samoylov graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, has worked as a theoretical physicist, and learned to program a tool for testing his mathematical models. After the demise of the USSR, Nick created and successfully ran a software company, but was forced to close it following pressure from the government and criminal elements. In 1999, with his wife Luda and two daughters, he emigrated to the USA and has been living in Colorado ever since, working as a Java programmer. In his free time, Nick likes to write and hike in the Rocky