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"这篇研究论文详细探讨了一种简单、低成本且高效的制备表面增强拉曼散射(SERS)活性基底的方法,具体是通过在多孔硅上沉积银粒子。这种基底对于提高拉曼散射信号具有显著效果,以罗丹明6G作为目标分子进行了SERS测量。文章深入研究了银粒子在多孔硅层顶部形态对SERS性能的影响,以及溶液浓度、浸渍时间和多孔层厚度如何改变银粒子的形态。" 在本文中,作者吕长武、王佳佳、吕小毅和贾振红等人展示了如何利用银溶液直接浸渍多孔硅来创建SERS活性基底。这种方法的优势在于其简便性、成本效益和高效性。SERS技术是一种强大的分析工具,因为它能够极大地增强特定分子的拉曼散射信号,从而实现对痕量物质的检测。 关键知识点包括: 1. **表面增强拉曼散射(SERS)**: SERS是一种利用金属纳米结构(如银或金颗粒)来极大增强拉曼散射信号的技术。这种增强效应使得检测限可低至单分子水平,广泛应用于化学、生物传感和材料科学等领域。 2. **多孔硅**: 多孔硅是SERS基底的一种理想选择,因为它的孔隙结构可以提供大量增强场的“热点”,增加与银粒子的接触面积,进一步提高SERS效应。 3. **银粒子形态的影响**: 银粒子的形状和大小直接影响SERS效率。文章指出,银粒子在多孔硅上的分布和聚集状态会改变局部电磁场,从而影响拉曼信号的增强程度。 4. **溶液浓度、浸渍时间和多孔层厚度**: 这些参数是控制银粒子形成的关键因素。溶液浓度决定了银离子的沉积速率,浸渍时间影响银粒子的生长,而多孔硅层的厚度可能会影响银粒子的沉积深度和均匀性。 5. **实验方法**: 通过改变这些参数,研究人员能够优化银粒子的形态,以达到最佳的SERS性能。这涉及到一系列的实验,包括调整银溶液的浓度,改变多孔硅的浸渍时间,以及控制多孔层的制备条件。 6. **罗丹明6G**: 作为SERS测量的标准分子,罗丹明6G的拉曼信号被用来评估基底的性能。它的响应对于评价不同条件下SERS活性的变化非常有用。 这篇研究揭示了优化SERS基底的策略,对于未来开发高性能SERS传感器具有重要的指导意义,特别是在环境监测、药物检测和生物标记等领域。

n the present research, a hybrid laser polishing technology combining pulsed laser and continuous wave laser was applied to polish the surface of laser directed energy deposition (LDED) Inconel 718 superalloy components. The surface morphology, microstructure evolution and microhardness of the as-fabricated, the single pulsed laser polishing (SPLP) and the hybrid laser polishing (HLP) processed samples were investigated. The results revealed that the as-fabricated sample has a rough surface with sintered powders. In the matrix, the NbC carbide and Cr2Nb based Laves phase array parallel to the build direction and the small γʺ-Ni3Nb particles precipitate in matrix uniformly. The surface roughness of the as-fabricated sample is 15.75 μm which is decreased to 6.14 μm and 0.23 μm by SPLP and HLP processing, respectively. The SPLP processing refines the grains and secondary phase significantly in the remelted layer which is reconstructured with the cellular structure and plenty of substructures. The HLP processing also refines the grain and secondary phase but the secondary phases still exhibit array distribution. In addition, the tangled dislocations pile up along the interface of secondary phases. Compared with the as-fabricated sample, the SPLP processing decreases the surface microhardness but the HLP processing increases the surface microhardness, and the Young's elasticity modulus of surface layer is improved by SPLP and HLP processing to 282 ± 5.21 GPa and 304 ± 5.57 GPa, respectively. 翻译

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