
0 下载量 172 浏览量 更新于2024-03-28 收藏 16.34MB PPTX 举报
The November warm winter (Christmas season) holiday weekend warm ground events aim to create a cozy and festive atmosphere for customers and potential clients. The event planning includes four main activities: the warm winter weekend on November 1st, Thanksgiving weekend on November 26th, December weekend on December 6th, and Christmas weekend on December 21st. The first event, the warm winter weekend on November 1st, has the theme "Warm Winter Days, Serendipitous Encounters". It will take place at the real estate project sales office and will include activities such as DIY chocolate making. The event aims to invite project customers, potential clients, and walk-in customers to experience a warm and inviting atmosphere. The Thanksgiving weekend event on November 26th, with a Thanksgiving theme, will continue to engage customers and create a sense of gratitude and appreciation. The December weekend event on December 6th will offer a different experience for customers, with unique activities to keep them engaged and interested in the real estate project. Finally, the Christmas weekend event on December 21st will bring the festive spirit to the project sales office, creating a warm and joyful atmosphere for all attendees. Overall, the events are designed to attract customers, promote the real estate project, and create a positive and memorable experience for all participants. Through carefully planned activities and themes, the events aim to showcase the project in a favorable light and attract potential buyers. The warm winter (Christmas season) holiday weekend warm ground events are an important part of the project's marketing strategy, helping to build brand awareness and establish a strong connection with customers.