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"Pro.CSS.and.HTML.Design.Patterns 是一本专注于网页设计模式的专业书籍,作者Michael Bowers探讨了如何通过使用设计模式提升网页设计的创新性和效率,同时结合CSS和(X)HTML的最佳实践。这本书旨在帮助读者理解和应用这些设计模式,以优化网站的结构和表现。 在书中,作者Michael Bowers深入探讨了CSS(层叠样式表)和HTML(超文本标记语言)设计模式的各个方面。CSS是网页设计中用于控制布局和样式的语言,而HTML则用于构建网页的结构和内容。两者结合使用,可以实现强大的网页设计效果,提高代码的可维护性和可重用性。 设计模式是一种在特定上下文中被反复证明有效的方法或解决方案,它们在软件工程领域已经被广泛接受。在网页设计中,这些模式可以包括响应式设计、模块化布局、导航设计、表单布局、以及各种页面元素的样式处理等。通过学习和应用这些模式,设计师可以更高效地创建出符合现代网页标准的页面,同时减少重复工作,提升设计质量。 本书涵盖了以下核心知识点: 1. **基础概念**:介绍CSS和HTML的基本语法和规则,为理解设计模式打下坚实的基础。 2. **布局模式**:讨论流式布局、网格布局、混合布局等多种布局方式,以及如何利用CSS来实现灵活的响应式设计。 3. **组件和模块化设计**:探讨如何通过模块化思维组织HTML结构,以及如何创建可复用的CSS组件。 4. **响应式设计**:讲解如何使用媒体查询和其他技术适应不同设备和屏幕尺寸。 5. **导航设计**:分析各种导航菜单的实现,包括下拉菜单、侧边栏导航等。 6. **样式技巧**:分享颜色搭配、字体选择、间距调整等视觉设计技巧,以增强用户体验。 7. **性能优化**:讨论如何编写高效的CSS,避免样式冲突,以及如何减少文件大小和加载时间。 8. **最佳实践**:总结业界认可的CSS和HTML编码规范,以提高代码可读性和团队协作效率。 此外,本书还可能包含实际案例研究,展示如何将这些理论知识应用于真实项目,并且有技术审阅者Paul Haine的审查,确保内容的专业性和准确性。通过阅读这本书,读者不仅可以提升自己的CSS和HTML技能,还能学习到如何构建可扩展、易于维护的网页设计系统。"
2012-04-18 上传
Apress, 2011 This is a solutions book for styling HTML5 with CSS3. It contains more than 350 design patterns you can put to use right away. Each design pattern is modular and customizable, and you can combine patterns to create an unlimited number of designs. Each design pattern has been thoroughly tested and proven to work in all major web browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, and Safari. All the content in this book is usable and practical. You won’t waste time reading about things that don’t work! With this book, you will no longer have to use hacks, tricks, endless testing, and constant tweaking in multiple browsers to get something to work. Using a design pattern is as easy as copying and pasting it into your code and tweaking a few values. You will immediately see which values you can modify and how they affect the result so you can create the exact style and layout you want—without worrying whether it will work. This is more than a cookbook. It systematically covers several usable features of CSS and combines these features with HTML to create reusable patterns. Each pattern has an intuitive name to make it easy to find, remember, and talk about. Accessibility and best practices are carefully engineered into each design pattern, example, and source code. You can read straight through the book, use it as a reference, and use it to find solutions. Each example includes a screenshot and all relevant HTML and CSS code so you can easily see how each design pattern works. The explanation for each design pattern is included alongside, so you can easily study the example while you read about how it works. Design patterns are organized by topic, and all usable CSS rules are covered in depth and in context like no other book. All design patterns are accessible and follow best practices, making this book a worthwhile read from cover to cover, as well as an excellent reference to keep by your side while you are designing and coding. This book unleashes your productivity and creativity in web design and development. Design patterns are like Legos—you can combine them in countless ways to create any design. They are like tools in a toolbox, and this book arms you with hundreds of tools you can whip out to solve problems quickly and reliably. Instead of hacking away at a solution, this book shows you how to create designs predictably— by combining predictable patterns. amazon link:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1430237805/buythisbooks-20