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本论文主要围绕微信小程序惠农小店系统设计与开发源码数据库展开,通过对系统的设计与开发进行深入研究和探讨,以期望为农村小店提供更为便捷的管理与销售平台。论文的研究内容主要包括数据库设计、系统功能模块设计、源码开发等方面。首先对系统的需求进行分析,然后进行数据库设计和系统功能模块设计,最后进行源码开发,以期望为农村小店提供更为便捷的管理与销售平台,加快信息化进程。通过对系统的设计与开发,提高了小店的管理效率和销售业绩,为农村小店的发展提供了有力的支持。 关键词:微信小程序;惠农小店;数据库设计;系统开发;源码 Abstract: This paper focuses on the design and development of the WeChat mini program Huinong Xiaodian system, aiming to provide a more convenient management and sales platform for rural small shops. The research content of the paper mainly includes database design, system function module design, source code development and so on. First, the requirements of the system are analyzed, and then the database design and system function module design are carried out, and finally the source code development is carried out. Through the design and development of the system, the management efficiency and sales performance of the small shops are improved, providing strong support for the development of rural small shops. Keywords: WeChat mini program; Huinong Xiaodian; database design; system development; source code