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The Protein Data Bank (PDB) is a comprehensive and detailed database of protein crystal structures, established in 1971 by the American Brookhaven Laboratory. It is maintained by the Research Collaboration for Structural Bioinformatics (RCSB). The data in the PDB is primarily derived from experimental methods such as X-ray crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance, and electron microscopy, which determine the three-dimensional structures of biological macromolecules, particularly proteins.
The PDB is a vital resource for researchers in the field of structural biology, providing valuable information on the shapes and arrangements of proteins at the atomic level. It allows scientists to study protein structures, understand their functions, and discover new drug targets. The PDB is part of a larger network of biological databases, including sequence databases like EMBL, GenBank, and DDBJ, as well as other structural databases like SCOP and CATH.
Researchers can access the PDB through its website, where they can search for specific protein structures, visualize them in three dimensions, and download the corresponding data for further analysis. The database is continuously updated with new structures as they are determined, ensuring that researchers have access to the latest information in the field.
Overall, the PDB is a valuable tool for the scientific community, providing a wealth of information on protein structures that is essential for advancing our understanding of biology and developing new therapies for various diseases. Researchers are encouraged to utilize the PDB and its resources to further their studies and contribute to the advancement of structural biology.
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148 浏览量
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2021-09-28 上传
2021-09-29 上传
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