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资源摘要信息:"本资源主要针对一款市场占有率较高的遥控玩具赛车——雷奇威遥控玩具赛车的电路进行了深入剖析。通过提供的电路图和详细的描述,本资源旨在为维修人员提供参考,帮助他们更好地理解遥控车的工作原理及其电路结构,从而进行有效的维修和调试。" 知识点详细说明: 1. 遥控玩具及遥控车市场概况: 遥控玩具作为玩具市场的重要组成部分,近年来受到广大儿童及成人爱好者的喜爱。其中,遥控车由于其互动性和操作体验,成为遥控玩具市场中增长最快的领域之一。雷奇威作为遥控玩具赛车品牌之一,其产品凭借设计先进、性能稳定、操作简便等特点,在市场上获得了较好的口碑。 2. 遥控车电路基础知识: 遥控车的电路是其核心组成部分,主要包括电源、控制电路、驱动电路、接收电路和执行机构等。电源通常使用干电池或充电电池来供电;控制电路负责处理遥控信号并控制驱动电路;驱动电路则负责根据控制电路的指令驱动电机;接收电路是与遥控器通讯的桥梁,接收来自遥控器的信号;执行机构通常包括电机和车轮。 3. 雷奇威遥控玩具赛车电路剖析: 由于资源中没有具体的电路图和详细描述,无法进行具体的电路分析。不过,一般来说,雷奇威遥控玩具赛车的电路剖析会包含以下方面: - 电源部分的电压和电流要求,以及电池类型和容量。 - 控制电路中的微控制器或专用IC的功能描述,以及它如何接收并解码遥控器的信号。 - 驱动电路中电机驱动器的工作原理和驱动电机的方式。 - 接收电路中无线信号接收模块的类型,以及它与控制电路的接口方式。 - 执行机构中电机和车轮的配合方式,以及它们的性能参数。 4. 遥控车维修参考: 维修时通常需要使用万用表测试电路中的电压和电阻,检查电路板上元件的焊接状态和损坏情况。此外,需要根据电路图来排查故障点,如遥控信号接收不良、电机不工作、电源供电问题等。对于复杂的电路故障,可能还需要使用示波器等专业仪器来辅助诊断。 5. 遥控车电路图的解读: 电路图是表达电路中各元件和连接关系的图形语言。解读遥控车电路图需要了解电路图中各个符号所代表的元件,如电阻、电容、二极管、晶体管、集成电路等,以及它们之间的连接关系。通过电路图,可以直观地了解电路的工作流程和信号流向,对于故障诊断和电路设计都有重要作用。 6. 遥控车电路设计原理: 遥控车电路设计需要考虑到性能、成本、可靠性和用户体验等多方面因素。设计时通常会基于具体需求,选择合适的微控制器或控制IC,并设计外围电路,包括电源管理、信号接收和处理、电机驱动等。为了提高性能和用户体验,还可能加入一些特殊设计,如加速度传感器、陀螺仪等。 通过以上内容,维修人员和爱好者可以对遥控车的电路结构和工作原理有一个基础的了解,并能够在实际操作中更有效地进行故障排查和维修工作。同时,对于电路设计者来说,这也是一个学习和参考的良好资源。

static void sensor_data_task(void *args) { xQueueHandle sensor_queue = (xQueueHandle)args; static D_MsgData msg_data; static D_SensorData sensor_data; static D_SensorData sensor_data1; static D_S16 sensor_value; while(1) { if(xQueueReceive(sensor_queue, &msg_data,( TickType_t ) pdMS_TO_TICKS(1000))) { if (msg_data.msg_type == D_MSG_TYPE_AD_DATA) { d_drv_exit_low_power(); /*get pressure data*/ if (!d_drv_is_low_power()) { d_adc_sample_data(D_ADC_CHANNEL_SENSOR_DATA, &sensor_value); //D_DUMP("[sensor_data_task]: batterry_ad_value = %d", sensor_value); /*battery level check*/ if(sensor_value > D_ADC_BAT_HIPOWER) { sensor_data.battery_level = 100; } else if(sensor_value < D_ADC_BAT_LOPOWER) { sensor_data.battery_level = 0; } else { sensor_data.battery_level = (sensor_value - D_ADC_BAT_LOPOWER)*100/ (D_ADC_BAT_HIPOWER - D_ADC_BAT_LOPOWER); } D_DUMP("[sensor_data_task]: batterry_ad_value = %d, battery_level = %d", sensor_value, sensor_data.battery_level); sensor_data.sensor_type = D_SENSOR_TEMPERATURE; sensor_data.sensor_info.value = d_ds18b20_get_data(); warn_check(D_SENSOR_TEMPERATURE, &sensor_data.sensor_info); //D_DUMP("[sensor_data_task]: temperature_sensor_value = %d", sensor_data.sensor_info.value); sensor_data1.battery_level = sensor_data.battery_level; sensor_data1.sensor_type = D_SENSOR_VALVE; sensor_data1.sensor_info.value = (((D_U8)config_info.valve_controlled_type) << 4) |((D_U8)(10 - config_info.valve_status)); //D_DUMP("[sensor_data_task]: valve_sensor_value = %d", sensor_data1.sensor_info.value); } if (sensor_data_event_user_callback != NULL) { sensor_data_event_user_callback(&sensor_data); nrf_delay_us(1000); sensor_data_event_user_callback(&sensor_data1); } d_drv_enter_low_power(); } } } } 啥意思

2023-07-25 上传

润色下面英文:The controlled drug delivery systems, due to their precise control of drug release in spatiotemporal level triggered by specific stimulating factors and advantages such as higher utilization ratio of drug, less side-effects to normal tissues and so forth, provide a new strategy for the precise treatment of many serious diseases, especially tumors. The materials that constitute the controlled drug delivery systems are called “smart materials” and they can respond to the stimuli of some internal (pH, redox, enzymes, etc.) or external (temperature, electrical/magnetic, ultrasonic and optical, etc.) environments. Before and after the response to the specific stimulus, the composition or conformational of smart materials will be changed, damaging the original balance of the delivery systems and releasing the drug from the delivery systems. Amongst them, the photo-controlled drug delivery systems, which display drug release controlled by light, demonstrated extensive potential applications, and received wide attention from researchers. In recent years, photo-controlled drug delivery systems based on different photo-responsive groups have been designed and developed for precise photo-controlled release of drugs. Herein, in this review, we introduced four photo-responsive groups including photocleavage groups, photoisomerization groups, photo-induced rearrangement groups and photocrosslinking groups, and their different photo-responsive mechanisms. Firstly, the photocleavage groups represented by O-nitrobenzyl are able to absorb the energy of the photons, inducing the cleavage of some specific covalent bonds. Secondly, azobenzenes, as a kind of photoisomerization groups, are able to convert reversibly between the apolar trans form and the polar cis form upon different light irradiation. Thirdly, 2-diazo-1,2-naphthoquinone as the representative of the photo-induced rearrangement groups will absorb specific photon energy, carrying out Wolff rearrangement reaction. Finally, coumarin is a promising category photocrosslinking groups that can undergo [2+2] cycloaddition reactions under light irradiation. The research progress of photo-controlled drug delivery systems based on different photo-responsive mechanisms were mainly reviewed. Additionally, the existing problems and the future research perspectives of photo-controlled drug delivery systems were proposed.

2023-02-06 上传