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本文深入探讨了从3G向4G演进的过程中,特别是针对LTE-Advanced(长期演进-高级)的先进技术。文章首先概述了从3G到4G的技术转变,重点在于性能需求和关键特性,强调了4G在移动通信领域的革命性提升。4G,即第四代移动通信系统,旨在提供更高的数据速率、更低的延迟以及更大的容量,以满足日益增长的移动互联网用户需求。 3GPP(第三代合作伙伴计划)在推动这一演进中起着核心作用,通过其新的网络架构,旨在整合现有的和未来的无线接入技术,确保无缝的升级和未来扩展能力。在LTE-Advanced的诸多关键技术中,文章特别提到了: 1. 频谱带宽管理:随着频谱资源的有限性和需求的增长,如何高效利用和共享频谱成为关键。这包括载波聚合(Carrier Aggregation),通过合并多个载波来扩大整体带宽,以支持更高的数据传输速率。 2. 增强型MIMO(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output):MIMO技术通过多个天线进行信号传输和接收,增强了信号质量并提高了吞吐量。增强型MIMO不仅提升了单用户的性能,还引入了空间分集和空间复用等高级技术,以实现更高的网络效率。 3. 协作多点传输与接收(CoMP):这是一种多小区协作技术,通过多个基站之间的协同工作,共同为一个用户服务,从而改善信号覆盖和容量,减少干扰,提高整体系统性能。 4. 中继(Relay):在某些情况下,中继技术被用来增强信号覆盖,特别是在广袤区域或建筑物内部信号较弱的地方。它通过中继节点转发信号,延长了通信距离,增加了网络的可达性。 文章指出,这些技术的发展和应用既带来了显著的优势,也面临着挑战,如频谱效率、信道估计、功率控制等问题。此外,为了应对这些挑战,研究者们正在不断探索创新方法和解决方案。 阅读这篇论文对于理解4G LTE-Advanced技术的发展历程、核心要素及其潜在影响是十分有价值的,它为通信行业的专业人士提供了深入了解下一代移动通信系统的关键见解。

n the present research, a hybrid laser polishing technology combining pulsed laser and continuous wave laser was applied to polish the surface of laser directed energy deposition (LDED) Inconel 718 superalloy components. The surface morphology, microstructure evolution and microhardness of the as-fabricated, the single pulsed laser polishing (SPLP) and the hybrid laser polishing (HLP) processed samples were investigated. The results revealed that the as-fabricated sample has a rough surface with sintered powders. In the matrix, the NbC carbide and Cr2Nb based Laves phase array parallel to the build direction and the small γʺ-Ni3Nb particles precipitate in matrix uniformly. The surface roughness of the as-fabricated sample is 15.75 μm which is decreased to 6.14 μm and 0.23 μm by SPLP and HLP processing, respectively. The SPLP processing refines the grains and secondary phase significantly in the remelted layer which is reconstructured with the cellular structure and plenty of substructures. The HLP processing also refines the grain and secondary phase but the secondary phases still exhibit array distribution. In addition, the tangled dislocations pile up along the interface of secondary phases. Compared with the as-fabricated sample, the SPLP processing decreases the surface microhardness but the HLP processing increases the surface microhardness, and the Young's elasticity modulus of surface layer is improved by SPLP and HLP processing to 282 ± 5.21 GPa and 304 ± 5.57 GPa, respectively. 翻译

2023-07-25 上传