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"这篇文档详细介绍了SH367309芯片在电池管理系统(BMS)中的应用,特别是在Kettle Pentaho Data Integration Cookbook 2nd Edition的上下文中,该芯片被用于锂电池保护板,以确保新能源电池包的安全运行。SH367309具备多种保护功能,如过充、过放、温度异常、过流和短路保护,并且有三种工作模式:保护模式、采集模式和Sleep模式。" SH367309是一款专为锂电池BMS设计的前端芯片,能够处理最高达70V的总电压。在保护模式下,它能够独立地为锂电池Pack提供过充、过放、温度过高或过低、过流和短路等多种保护。此外,它还具有内置的平衡开关功能,以增强电池单元的一致性。 在采集模式下,SH367309与微控制器(MCU)协同工作,激活所有保护功能,并通过13-bit电压模拟数字转换器(VADC)和16-bit∑-∆电流模拟数字转换器(CADC)来收集电池电压、温度和电流数据。内置的EEPROM存储可调的保护阈值和延迟参数,而TWI(Two-Wire Interface)通信接口则用于读写这些寄存器和EEPROM内容。 该芯片的工作模式包括: 1. **保护模式**:当MODE引脚接地(VL-MODE)时,SH367309开启保护功能模块,关闭TWI和看门狗,但平衡功能仍然开启。 2. **Powerdown状态**:在电池电压低于特定阈值并持续一定时间后,芯片会关闭充放电MOSFET进入节能状态。充电器连接会唤醒芯片并进行硬件复位。 3. **采集模式**:当MODE引脚接高电平(VH-MODE)时,保护功能和TWI通讯模块均开启。在IDLE状态下,如果满足特定条件,如无保护触发且电流在安全范围内,芯片会进一步降低功耗。在SLEEP状态下,芯片将关闭更多模块,仅保留STA检测和充电器检测,以达到更低的功耗。 在IDLE和SLEEP状态下,检测到STA信号或特定事件(如电压超限)会唤醒芯片。在SLEEP状态,当连接充电器时,芯片会先进入SLEEP状态,然后在满足条件时退出。 SH367309是一款集成了丰富保护特性和低功耗设计的锂电池管理系统芯片,适用于新能源电池包的智能管理和安全监控。在Kettle Pentaho Data Integration Cookbook 2nd Edition中,可能涉及如何利用该芯片的数据采集功能来优化电池性能和监控系统的健康状况。

Example of protocol with TRG-STA-GRS command cycle The initialization and reconnection of the communication is described in the chapter before. In order to initialize the communication, the MS toggles the Sync flag between 0 and 1 with cycle duration of 500 ms. Once the SC recognizes the Sync flag, it answers with an ACK frame of the same value as the detected Sync flag. The command STA is set to 2 (STA(02)) by the SC to request continuous status information. Hereupon, the MS sends its state with every answer. A prerequisite to accept commands by the MS is STA(01) (reply code from halm MS) and TOK(01). Direction Command code Reply Code Flag Remark SC → MS STA(02),TRG(01) Trigger a measurement * MS → SC Handshake acknowledge MS → SC STA(01), TRG(01) Trigger accepted SC → MS Handshake acknowledge SC → MS STA(02), TRG(FF) Command completed MS → SC Handshake acknowledge MS → SC TRG(FF), STA(02) TOK(FF) Reply completed, MS busy, cell transport not allowed SC → MS Handshake acknowledge MS → SC STA(02) TOK(01) Cell transport allowed SC → MS Handshake acknowledge MS → SC STA(01) RES(01) Measurement result data available SC → MS Handshake acknowledge SC → MS STA(02), GRS(01) MS → SC Handshake acknowledge MS → SC STA(01), GRS(01) RES(FF) Including result data SC → MS Handshake acknowledge SC → MS STA(02), GRS(FF) Command completed MS → SC Handshake acknowledge MS → SC STA(01), GRS(FF) Reply completed SC → MS Handshake acknowledge * SC sends TWO commands within one frame. In consequence, MS will reply with TWO answers. Same procedure for THREE commands. Please always send STA(02) together with every command. Do not send STA(FF) which will stop MS sending status and results.根据这个协议,帮我写一份UDP通讯的demo

2023-06-01 上传

根据我给出的代码写出i2c.c代码 #include <iocc2530.h> #include "i2c.h" // 定义I2C引脚接口 #define SDA P0_3 #define SCL P0_2 // I2C初始化函数 void i2c_init() { // SDA和SCL配置为开漏输出 P0DIR &= ~(BV(2) | BV(3)); P0SEL &= ~(BV(2) | BV(3)); P0INP &= ~(BV(2) | BV(3)); // 配置I2C时钟和时序 I2CSP & = ~(BV(I2CSCLH) | BV(I2CSCLL) | BV(I2CSDA)); I2CSP |= BV(I2CSCLH) | BV(I2CSCLL) | BV(I2CSDA); // 使能I2C模块 I2CCFG |= BV(I2CEN); } // I2C读取数据函数 uint8_t i2c_read(uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg) { uint8_t data; uint8_t retry = 0; // 发送START信号 I2CSA = addr; I2CDS = reg; I2CCON |= BV(STA); // 等待START信号发送完成 while (I2CCON & BV(STA)) { retry++; if (retry > 200) { return 0xFF; // 通信超时 } } retry = 0; // 等待读取完成 while (!(I2CCFG & BV(I2CXIF))) { retry++; if (retry > 200) { return 0xFE; // 通信超时 } } data = I2CDS; // 发送STOP信号 I2CCON |= BV(STO); return data; } // 串口初始化函数 void uart_init() { // P0.2作为TX输出口,P0.3作为RX输入口 P0SEL |= BV(2) | BV(3); P2DIR &= ~(BV(0) | BV(1)); P2INP |= BV(0) | BV(1); // 将波特率设置为9600bps U0BAUD = 59; U0GCR |= BV(0); // 使能UART0模块及其中断 U0CSR |= BV(7) | BV(6) | BV(0); } // 通过串口输出数据函数 void uart_write(uint8_t data) { while (!(U0CSR & BV(1))); // 等待上一次发送完成 U0DBUF = data; } // 主函数 void main() { uint8_t voc_data; uint8_t co2_data; // 初始化I2C和串口 i2c_init(); uart_init(); // 读取VOC传感器数据 voc_data = i2c_read(0x31, 0x26); // 读取二氧化碳传感器数据 co2_data = i2c_read(0x76, 0x4B); // 通过串口输出读取到的数据 uart_write(voc_data); uart_write(co2_data); while (1) { // 不断读取并输出数据 voc_data = i2c_read(0x31, 0x26); co2_data = i2c_read(0x76, 0x4B); uart_write(voc_data); uart_write(co2_data); } }

2023-06-07 上传