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《变分积分与最优控制:优化的初等凸性分析》是由John L. Troutman撰写的一本教材,专为本科学生设计,旨在深入浅出地介绍变分积分理论。该书在教学中扮演着重要角色,尤其对于那些希望在工程、物理、经济等领域应用数学优化技巧的学生来说,它提供了坚实的基础。 变分积分是微积分的一个分支,它关注的是函数中的极值问题,尤其是在寻找最优化路径或形状时。通过变分方法,学生可以理解如何通过最小化或最大化某个性能指标来确定系统的最佳行为。书中不仅涵盖了基本的变分原理,还探讨了与之相关的泛函分析概念,这对于理解和解决诸如物理学中的波动方程、控制理论中的轨迹规划等问题至关重要。 此外,书中提及的“凸性”概念是优化理论中的核心要素。凸优化确保了函数的局部最优解也是全局最优解,这对于确定优化问题的简单算法至关重要。通过学习初等凸性,学生能够更好地识别和利用优化问题中的结构,以便设计更有效的算法和求解策略。 书中还包含了许多实际应用的例子,如线性规划、游戏理论,以及概率模型的建模和分析,这些都展示了变分积分和最优控制在现实生活中的广泛影响。作者使用易于理解的语言和实例,帮助读者将抽象的概念转化为实用的工具。 《变分积分与最优控制:优化的初等凸性分析》不仅适合作为本科教学教材,也适合作为研究生研究或专业人士自我学习的参考书籍。通过阅读这本书,读者不仅可以掌握基础理论,还能培养解决问题的实战能力,为他们在各自领域中的工作打下坚实基础。

帮我地道的翻译:The differential variational inequalities ((DVIs), for short) are useful for the study of models involving both dynamics and constraints in the form of in￾equalities. They arise in many applications: electrical circuits with ideal diodes, Coulomb friction problems for contacting bodies, economical dynamics, dynamic traffic networks. Pang and Stewart [26], [27] established the existence, unique￾ness, and Lipschitz dependence of solutions subject to boundary conditions for (DVIs) in finite dimensional spaces. Han and Pang investigated a class of dif￾ferential quasi-variational inequalities in [11], and Li, Huang and O’Regan [18] studied a class of differential mixed variational inequalities in finite dimensional Well-Posedness of Differential Mixed Quasi-Variational-Inequalities 137 spaces. Gwinner [8] obtained an equivalence result between (DVIs) and projected dynamical systems. In [9] he also proved a stability property for (DVIs) by using the monotonicity method of Browder and Minty, and Mosco set convergence. Chen and Wang [4] studied dynamic Nash equilibrium problems which have the formulation of differential mixed quasi-variational inequalities. Elastoplastic contact problems can also be incorporated into (DMQVIs) formulation because general dynamic processes in the nonsmooth unilateral contact problems are governed by quasi-variational inequalities. A numerical study for nonsmooth contact problems with Tresca friction can be found in [10], Liu, Loi and Obukhovskii [19] studied the existence and global bifurcation for periodic solutions of a class of (DVIs) by using the topological degree theory for multivalued maps and the method of guiding functions. For more details about (DVIs) we refer to [3], [30], [12], [22]–[21].

2023-05-30 上传