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Unit 2: Phonetic Series - Liaison In the bustling streets of Prague, Little Li is learning to sing the English song "Big Big World," but unfortunately, she is struggling with the pronunciation. Big Dragon comes to her aid, but the result is not much better. In a desperate attempt to improve her pronunciation, Little Li seeks help from Mary. The lesson begins with a focus on the concept of liaison. Liaison is the phenomenon where, in the same group of words, if the preceding word ends with a consonant and the following word begins with a vowel, the two words are pronounced as a single connected sound. The lesson then moves on to the rules of liaison, emphasizing that when a word ending with a consonant is followed by a word beginning with a vowel, liaison occurs. The contents of the lesson are divided into different sections, starting with consonant-to-vowel liaison, followed by guidelines for liaison with the letter "r," and finally, liaison with diphthongs and triphthongs. The rules are carefully explained and demonstrated to the students through various examples and exercises. The dialogue in the lesson takes place in a hotel room, where Little Li is looking at a photograph. Accidentally, Big Dragon knocks over the photo and quickly apologizes to Little Li. This scenario provides a practical application of the concept of liaison, as the students can observe how liaison occurs naturally in everyday conversations. Overall, the lesson serves as a comprehensive introduction to liaison, helping students understand the rules and applications of this important aspect of phonetics in the English language. By the end of the lesson, students are expected to be able to identify and apply liaison in their spoken English, thereby improving their pronunciation and overall language skills. Through careful guidance and practice, students can confidently navigate the complexities of liaison and enhance their language abilities.