
需积分: 9 4 下载量 93 浏览量 更新于2024-07-18 收藏 7.72MB PDF 举报
"《Learning Pandas_2015》是一本面向Python程序员的数据分析入门书籍,特别适合希望利用pandas库进行数据处理、分析和发现的读者。尽管书中强调一些统计分析经验是有帮助的,但并非强制要求,因此即使是对数据分析初学者也是一份宝贵的资源。作者Michael Heydt以其深入浅出的方式,带领读者掌握这个强大且高效(versatile and high-performance)的Python库。 该书详细介绍了pandas的核心概念,如Series和DataFrame的数据结构,数据清洗、合并、重塑、分组、排序等操作方法,以及如何使用pandas进行统计计算、时间序列分析和数据可视化。书中还涵盖了pandas与NumPy、SciPy等其他科学计算库的集成应用,以及如何在大型数据集上优化性能。 版权方面,本书受到Packt Publishing的保护,未经出版商书面许可,不得复制、存储或通过任何形式或媒介传播,除非用于学术引用。尽管作者和出版社已尽力确保信息的准确性,但书中提供的所有内容均不带有任何明示或暗示的保修,也不承担因使用本书信息导致的直接或间接损失的责任。 在版权信息中,Packt Publishing表示,他们已尽力提供关于书中提及的所有公司和产品的商标信息,但由于市场竞争和信息更新,可能无法保证其完全准确。《Learning Pandas_2015》是Python数据分析师不可或缺的参考资料,无论你是初学者还是进阶用户,都能从中获得实用的技巧和深入理解。"
2017-07-08 上传
Learning pandas - Second Edition by Michael Heydt English | 30 Jun. 2017 | ASIN: B06ZXT13HZ | 446 Pages | AZW3 | 23.6 MB Key Features Get comfortable using pandas and Python as an effective data exploration and analysis tool Explore pandas through a framework of data analysis, with an explanation of how pandas is well suited for the various stages in a data analysis process A comprehensive guide to pandas with many of clear and practical examples to help you get up and using pandas Book Description You will learn how to use pandas to perform data analysis in Python. You will start with an overview of data analysis and iteratively progress from modeling data, to accessing data from remote sources, performing numeric and statistical analysis, through indexing and performing aggregate analysis, and finally to visualizing statistical data and applying pandas to finance. With the knowledge you gain from this book, you will quickly learn pandas and how it can empower you in the exciting world of data manipulation, analysis and science. What you will learn Understand how data analysts and scientists think about of the processes of gathering and understanding data Learn how pandas can be used to support the end-to-end process of data analysis Use pandas Series and DataFrame objects to represent single and multivariate data Slicing and dicing data with pandas, as well as combining, grouping, and aggregating data from multiple sources How to access data from external sources such as files, databases, and web services Represent and manipulate time-series data and the many of the intricacies involved with this type of data How to visualize statistical information How to use pandas to solve several common data representation and analysis problems within finance About the Author Michael Heydt is a technologist, entrepreneur, and educator with decades of professional software development and financial and commodities trading experience. He has worked extensively on Wall Street sp
2023-07-14 上传
2023-07-16 上传