iOS Auto Layout详解第二版:移动开发者必读

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iOS Auto Layout Demystified 第二版是一本专为iOS程序员设计的深入指南,它属于Addison-Wesley Mobile Programming Series系列的一部分。这个系列专注于探索移动编程中的关键特性和主题,提供详尽的内容、丰富的视觉示例、实用技巧以及步骤-by-步骤的指导。本书特别针对iOS的自动布局(Auto Layout)进行深入讲解,这是iOS开发者构建用户界面时不可或缺的技术,用于实现响应式布局,确保应用在不同设备上都能自适应屏幕尺寸和方向。 自动布局是iOS开发中的核心概念,它允许开发者通过设置约束来指定视图之间的相对位置和大小关系,而无需关注具体的屏幕分辨率或方向。通过使用Auto Layout,开发者可以创建出在各种屏幕尺寸上看起来都完美的应用程序,无论是iPhone、iPad还是Apple Watch。 书中涵盖了Auto Layout的基础概念、各类约束类型(如宽度约束、高度约束、对齐和间距约束等)、动态适应策略(如适应屏幕尺寸变化、设备旋转等)、以及在实际项目中的应用和调试技巧。每个知识点都尽可能详尽,配有大量实例,帮助读者理解和掌握如何在实际项目中实现复杂的布局。 对于想要提升iOS开发技能,特别是对UI设计和布局有深入理解的开发者来说,这是一本不可或缺的参考书籍。通过阅读和实践书中的内容,读者将能够构建出功能完备且优雅的用户界面,从而提升自己的应用程序质量。 此外,作者Erica Sadun以其在iOS开发领域的专业知识和经验,确保了本书内容的准确性和实用性。如果你是iOS开发者,无论你是初学者还是经验丰富的开发者,都可以从这本书中收获宝贵的知识和技能,进而提升自己的开发效率和用户体验设计能力。访问,可以查看该系列的其他移动编程资源,以便进一步扩展你的技术视野。
2015-04-14 上传
Auto Layout re-imagines the way developers create user interfaces. It provides a flexible and power- ful system that describes how views and their content relate to each other and to the superviews they occupy. In contrast to older design approaches, this technology offers incredible control over layout, with a wider range of customization than you can get with frames, springs, and struts. Auto Layout has garnered both a loyal user base and fanatical detractors. Its reputation for diffi- culty and frustration, particularly when used through Interface Builder (IB), are occasionally merited. Although Xcode 5 vastly improves that situation (by doing away with several baffling and alienating features), this is a technology that continues to evolve toward full maturity. Auto Layout is a fantastic tool. It does things that earlier technologies could never dream of. From edge case handling to creation of reciprocal relationships between views, Auto Layout introduces immense power. What’s more, Auto Layout is compatible with many of Apple’s most exciting application programming interfaces (APIs), including animations, motion effects, and sprites. That’s why this book exists. You’re about to learn Auto Layout mastery by example, with plenty of explanations and tips. Instead of struggling with class documentation, you’ll read, in simple steps, how the system works, how to tweak it to make it work better, and why Auto Layout is far more powerful than many developers realize. You’ll discover common design scenarios and discover best practices that make Auto Layout a pleasure rather than a chore to use.