精通Unity 5.x游戏AI编程:实战指南

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"Unity.5.x.Game.AI.Programming.Cookbook.17835" 本书《Unity 5.x 游戏AI编程实战》由软件开发者Jorge Palacios撰写,他具有七年的专业经验,专注于游戏开发,特别是AI和游戏玩法编程。书中详细介绍了使用Unity引擎构建智能游戏AI的各种技术和策略。 在本书中,读者将学习到: 1. 行为智能移动:通过A*算法和A*伏击等技术,赋予游戏代理路径寻找能力,使它们能够灵活移动。 2. 导航系统:创建世界表示,并让代理在其中导航,实现更真实的游戏环境。 3. 决策制定:构建决策系统,使代理根据不同情况做出不同的行动,增强游戏的动态性。 4. 协同与战术:让不同的代理协同行动,创造出复杂的技术行为假象,提高游戏策略性。 5. 代理感知:模拟并应用感知系统,增强代理的环境意识,使得游戏体验更加丰富。 6. 棋盘游戏AI:在井字游戏(Tic-Tac-Toe)和国际跳棋(Checkers)等游戏中设计和实施AI,展示AI在游戏规则中的应用。 7. 学习技术:利用N-Gram预测器和朴素贝叶斯分类器等算法,实现代理的高效预测机制。 8. 其他杂项:探讨影响力地图的工作原理,以及更多与游戏AI相关的实用技巧。 每个章节都深入探讨一个特定主题,如第1章的行为智能移动,介绍如何让游戏角色进行智能移动;第2章的导航系统,讲解如何构建游戏世界的导航网络;第3章的决策制定,讲述如何让AI根据环境变化做出决策;第4章的协同与战术,教授如何设计AI间的协作策略;第5章的代理感知,讨论如何让AI拥有感知环境的能力;第6章的棋盘游戏AI,提供实际案例,教你如何在棋类游戏中设计AI;第7章的学习技术,讲解如何让AI通过学习提升性能;第8章的其他内容,涵盖可能未在前面章节中详细讨论的AI技术。 通过这本书,读者不仅可以掌握Unity 5.x中的游戏AI编程技巧,还能深入了解AI在游戏中的应用,从而创作出更具挑战性和沉浸感的游戏体验。无论你是经验丰富的开发者还是初学者,都能从这些70多个实战食谱和技巧中受益。
2016-09-11 上传
Book Description: Unity 5 comes fully packaged with a toolbox of powerful features to help game and app developers create and implement powerful game AI. Leveraging these tools via Unity’s API or built-in features allows limitless possibilities when it comes to creating your game’s worlds and characters. This practical Cookbook covers both essential and niche techniques to help you be able to do that and more. This Cookbook is engineered as your one-stop reference to take your game AI programming to the next level. Get to grips with the essential building blocks of working with an agent, programming movement and navigation in a game environment, and improving your agent’s decision making and coordination mechanisms – all through hands-on examples using easily customizable techniques. Discover how to emulate vision and hearing capabilities for your agent, for natural and humanlike AI behaviour, and improve them with the help of graphs. Empower your AI with decision-making functions through programming simple board games such as Tic-Tac-Toe and Checkers, and orchestrate agent coordination to get your AIs working together as one. What you will learn Use techniques such as A*and A*mbush to empower your agents with path finding capabilities. Create a representation of the world and make agents navigate it Construct decision-making systems to make the agents take different actions Make different agents coordinate actions and create the illusion of technical behavior Simulate senses and apply them in an awareness system Design and implement AI in board games such as Tic-Tac-Toe and Checkers Implement efficient prediction mechanism in your agents with algorithms such as N-Gram predictor and naive Bayes classifier Understand and analyze how the influence maps work.