STM32单片机超声波测距系统设计与实现 技术优势与性能提升
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In this paper, a single-chip microcomputer-based single-pulse reflection ultrasonic ranging system is detailed. With the speed of ultrasound propagation in the air as the determining factor, the system utilizes reflected ultrasound to measure the distance to be measured. By analyzing the reasons for the error in ultrasonic ranging, measures such as temperature compensation to reduce temperature changes and an automatically adjustable gain circuit to reduce blind spots are mainly adopted to improve measurement accuracy. The system uses the high-performance STM32 single-chip microcomputer, with a core ARM processor using the CoteX-M3 kernel, mainly to improve calculation accuracy through the high-speed operation of the ARM processor. Due to the high processing speed, indoor ranging can achieve microsecond-level measurement time difference, so the designed high-precision ultrasonic ranging instrument can achieve millimeter-level measurement accuracy. This provides a good direction for the development of non-contact measurement in the future. Keywords: ultrasonic; ARM processor; temperature compensation; rangefinder.
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