DirectX 11游戏编程入门指南

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"Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 11.pdf" 这是一本由Frank D. Luna编著的专业书籍,介绍了使用DirectX 11进行3D游戏编程的基础知识和技术。DirectX 11是Microsoft开发的一套API(应用程序接口),广泛用于Windows平台上的图形渲染、音频处理和游戏开发。本书作为“DX11龙书”,在游戏开发领域具有很高的权威性,适合初学者和有一定经验的开发者阅读。 书中涵盖了3D图形学的基本概念,如向量和矩阵运算,这些是理解3D空间变换和渲染的基础。此外,作者详细解释了DirectX 11中的关键组件,如Direct3D,它是处理3D图形的主要部分。Direct3D允许开发者直接控制硬件加速的图形处理,包括顶点缓冲、索引缓冲、纹理映射、光照计算等。 Frank D. Luna还深入讨论了DirectX 11的新特性和改进,比如: 1. 多线程支持:DirectX 11增强了对多核心处理器的利用,使得游戏性能得到提升。 2. 全新硬件支持:介绍了新的着色器模型(如HLSL,High-Level Shader Language),使开发者可以更高效地编写图形着色代码。 3. 图形调试工具:书中会介绍如何使用DirectX SDK中的图形调试工具,帮助开发者定位和修复图形问题。 4. 多纹理和混合技术:详细讲解了如何实现复杂的纹理贴图和混合效果,为游戏画面增添真实感。 5. 深度缓冲和模板操作:用于处理物体的层次关系和透明效果。 6. 多采样抗锯齿:提高图像质量,减少渲染时产生的锯齿现象。 除此之外,书中还会涵盖一些高级主题,如后期处理特效、物理模拟、碰撞检测、动画系统等,这些都是构建现代3D游戏不可或缺的部分。通过大量的实例和练习,读者将能够逐步掌握DirectX 11的使用,从而具备开发复杂3D游戏的能力。 “Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 11”是一本全面介绍3D游戏编程的指南,它不仅适合想要学习DirectX 11的初学者,也对有经验的开发者提供了一种深入理解3D图形编程的途径。通过阅读本书,读者将能够构建自己的3D游戏引擎,开启游戏开发之旅。
2017-08-29 上传
This updated bestseller provides an introduction to programming interactive computer graphics, with an emphasis on game development using DirectX 11. The book is divided into three main parts: basic mathematical tools, fundamental tasks in Direct3D, and techniques and special effects. It includes new Direct3D 11 features such as hardware tessellation and the compute shader, and covers advanced rendering techniques such as ambient occlusion, normal and displacement mapping, shadow rendering, particle systems, and character animation. Includes a companion DVD with code and figures. Brief Table of Contents: Part I Mathematical Prerequisites. Vector Algebra. Matrix Algebra. Transformations. Part II Direct3D Foundations. Direct3D Initialization. The Rendering Pipeline. Drawing in Direct3D. Lighting. Texturing. Blending. Stenciling. The Geometry Shader. The Compute Shader. The Tessellation Stages. Part III Direct3D Topics. Building a First Person Camera. Instancing and Frustum Culling. Picking. Cube Mapping. Normal and Displacement Mapping. Terrain Rendering. Particle Systems and Stream-Out. Shadow Mapping. Ambient Occlusion. Meshes. Quaternions. Character Animation. Appendices. Introduction to Windows Programming. High-Level Shading Language Reference. Some Analytic Geometry. Selected solutions. Features: +Provides an introduction to programming interactive computer graphics, with an emphasis on game development using DirectX 11 +Covers new Direct3D 11 features +Includes companion DVD with source code and 4-color graphics