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The Library-Basic Edition-Usage Instructions-201403111; mxchipWNet Library Overview mxchipWNetTM library is a TCP/IP protocol stack, Wi-Fi RF driver, operating environment and related sample programs running on the EMW316x series of embedded Wi-Fi modules developed by MXCHIP. It is a complete solution for building embedded Wi-Fi applications. This software library is specifically designed for embedded Wi-Fi applications, with fast networking speed, high real-time event handling mechanism, low power consumption, configurable hardware resource management, and can achieve a maximum of 20Mbps ultra-high transmission rate on the EMW316x module. At the same time, this software library is based on the standard BSD socket API, coupled with a simple and easy-to-use wireless network configuration API, developers can easily develop various embedded Wi-Fi applications on the EMW316x module. The ease of use of this software library greatly shortens the development cycle and speeds up product launch. Main functions: Contains boot program, application program and driver program Provides 73k bytes of freely allocable memory space Provides up to 720k bytes of available Flash space Supports OTA wireless upgrade system architecture Built-in functional test mode Provides a variety of support tools Wi-Fi features:;".FragmentManager是Android系统中一个专门负责管理Fragment的类,主要用于实现Activity中多个碎片的切换和管理等功能。使用FragmentManager可以实现碎片的添加、删除、替换等操作,同时还能管理返回栈、支持碎片的嵌套使用等。通过合理使用FragmentManager可以实现灵活多变的UI界面效果,提高用户体验。 FragmentManager的基本用法如下: 1、获取FragmentManager对象 通过Activity的getFragmentManager()方法或者Fragment的getChildFragmentManager()方法获取FragmentManager对象,以便后续对碎片进行管理。 2、开始Fragment事务 通过FragmentManager的beginTransaction()方法开始一个新的碎片事务,之后在事务中可以进行碎片的添加、删除、替换、隐藏、显示等操作。 3、添加、删除、替换Fragment 通过事务的add()、remove()、replace()等方法可以对碎片进行添加、删除、替换等操作。"