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Qt 3D Advance 是一份由 KDAB 的 Kévin Ottens 制作的2017年的进阶教程,旨在帮助学习者深入了解和掌握 Qt3D 的高级知识。Qt3D 是一个强大的、多功能且非局限于游戏引擎的3D开发工具,它不仅是一个实时模拟引擎,设计初衷是为了实现可扩展性和灵活性,支持软实时仿真和多领域功能处理,包括人工智能(AI)、逻辑和音频等。它不仅专注于3D渲染,还适用于机械系统、物理模拟以及游戏开发。 教程的核心部分介绍了以下知识点: 1. **Feature Set**:这部分详细列举了Qt3D的特性,包括实体组件系统(Entity Component System,ECS),它是一种面向对象的设计模式,用于简化游戏对象的管理和行为管理。此外,还包括输入处理、动画制作、新的物理基础渲染材料(Physically Based Rendering, PBR)技术、手绘纹理以及将Qt Quick与Qt3D集成的能力。 2. **Hello Donut**:这可能是一个示例项目或教程中的一个演示,用来介绍基本的Qt3D应用创建和交互。 3. **捕捉渲染**:讲解如何捕获和处理3D场景的渲染结果,可能是为了后期编辑或者性能分析。 4. **Level of Detail (LoD)**:关于如何在不同距离或视图角度下调整模型的细节显示,以优化性能。 5. **Displaying Text**:涉及3D空间中的文本渲染和展示,这对于游戏界面或信息显示非常重要。 6. **The Future of Qt3D**:展望Qt3D技术的未来发展,可能包括新功能、性能提升或设计理念的更新。 7. **Scalability**:强调Qt3D在处理复杂系统模拟时的可扩展性,如大型场景和多用户环境下的高效表现。 8. **Frontend/Backend Split**:提到Qt3D的前后端分离架构,这意味着前端负责用户界面,后端负责处理复杂的3D计算,这种设计有助于保持应用程序的高效和模块化。 这份教程提供了丰富的实践案例和理论知识,对于想要深入探索和利用Qt3D进行3D开发的开发者来说,是一份宝贵的参考资料。通过学习,开发者可以掌握如何在实际项目中充分利用Qt3D的强大功能,实现更高效、灵活和多样化的3D应用开发。
2017-08-25 上传
This directory contains the Qt3D project for Qt5: * Qt3D QML bindings and * Qt3D C++ APIs Building Qt3D ================== Qt5 is a rapidly changing bleeding edge environment. This branch is our initial support for it and thus is also rapidly changing and bleeding edge. This branch is experimental, and unsupported. This information is provided for advanced use only. No guarantees about API stability or even if this works at all are supplied, use at your own risk. First fetch the Qt5 source tree and Qt3D master branch: cd ~/depot git clone ssh://codereview.qt-project.org:29418/qt/qt5.git cd qt5 ./init-repository --codereview-username \ --module-subset=qtbase,qtsvg,qtdeclarative,qttools,qtxmlpatterns,qtdoc,qlalr,qtrepotools,qtqa,qtlocation,qt3d git submodule foreach "git fetch gerrit && git reset --hard gerrit/master" cd qt3d scp -p -P 29418 codereview.qt-project.org:hooks/commit-msg .git/hooks/ git fetch gerrit git checkout --track -b master gerrit/master If you are reading this file then somehow you probably already got this far anyway. Now build Qt5, which will also build Qt3D as a module: cd ~/build mkdir qt5 cd qt5 ~/depot/qt5/configure -developer-build -opensource -confirm-license -no-webkit -no-phonon -nomake tests \ -nomake examples -declarative -opengl -svg && make -j 4 What's in Qt3D ================== Directory structure: src/threed/ This is the main library of the Qt3D project, containing abstractions for cross-platform GL, shaders, lighting models, and so on. src/plugins/ Scene format loading plugins. src/imports/ QML import plugins. util/ Various utilities that are useful when working with Qt3D. examples/ Some examples of using Qt3D QML bindings and Qt3D C++ API. demos/ Some more complex demos of using Qt3D QML bindings and Qt3D C++ API. tests/auto/qml3d/ Unit tests for the QML bindings. tests/auto/threed/ Unit tests for the C++ API doc/ Documentation. devices/symbian/ Symbian deployment file Documentation ============= The documentation can be generated with "make docs". It will be placed into "doc/html" in the build directory. Packages ======== This section is only for those developing Qt3D. Read on to discover how the building of packages works. This section is also important if you want to change how the structure of the Qt3D pro files work. To build Qt3D, run: qmake && make The .pro files will cause the toolchain to place the libraries, QML files and meshes of Qt3D directly into place, as part of the compile process. The files go into the bin/ directory, and the executables can be run directly from there. If you are doing a developer build, plugins will be installed in such a way that Qt will find them. After building the tree the install step is invoked using the INSTALL_ROOT environment export to cause the installation rules to place all the files into a sandboxed install tree, ready for packaging: INSTALL_ROOT=tmp make install Examples ======== Some examples require assimp library to parse the content. Go to http://assimp.sourceforge.net/ and build and install the assimp library. Then configure Qt3D to include assimp and run qmake && make.