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access control systems have emerged.
This graduation design aims to design a RFID-based access control system based on market demand. The design uses AT89C52 as the main control chip, and utilizes Beijing Easyview Technology's YHY502ATG dedicated card reader module to read the information on RFID cards. When a card enters the range of the card reader, the corresponding card serial number is read, and the system takes appropriate actions based on the obtained card serial number. For expansion, Delphi software is used as the upper computer, and an Access database is established to store user information. Serial communication is used for communication between the upper and lower computers, and the MAX232CPE chip is used to establish communication between the two. The keypad section uses a homemade 3*4 keypad matrix, using line inversion method to determine which key is pressed. This design achieves automatic and accurate recognition of card serial numbers, playing an important role in the access control system.
In conclusion, this project successfully develops a RFID-based access control system that effectively manages access privileges in various environments. The system uses advanced technology such as RFID and serial communication to provide efficient and secure access control. This project demonstrates the importance of adapting to modern technological advancements in order to improve security and convenience in access control systems.
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