Introduction of JSP Technology
JavaServer PagesTM (jsp (SUN enterprise application of choice)) technology for the
creation of display content dynamically generated Web page provides a simple and rapid method.
jsp (SUN enterprise application of choice) technology is designed to enable structure-based Web
applications more easily and faster, and can these applications with a variety of Web servers,
application servers, browsers, and development tools to work together.
Here provides a jsp (SUN enterprise application of choice) technology overview, describes the
background of its development, as well as the overall objective of this technology. At the same
time, a simple example, also describes a JavaTM technology-based key component of the page.
Web application development of JavaServer Pages technology Ways
In the development of jsp (SUN enterprise application of choice) specification process, Sun
Microsystems (Sun Microsystems Inc.) And many major Web servers, application servers and
development tools providers, as well as a variety of experienced development groups to cooperate.
The result is found a page for applications and developers to balance the portability and ease of
use of development methodologies.
Will generate and display the contents of the separation
Using jsp technology, Web page developers can use HTML or xml logo to design and
formatting the final page. Jsp logo or the use of bound feet would have to generate dynamic
content on the page. The logic-generated content has been packaged in a logo and JavaBeans
components and tied up in a small script, all the scripts in the server-side run. If the core logic was
encapsulated in the logo and Beans, then other people, such as management and Web page
designers, can edit and use jsp pages, without affecting the generation of content.
The server side, jsp engine explained jsp logo and small script to generate the requested
content (for example, by accessing JavaBeans components, the use of technology JDBCTM access
the database, or include file), and the results to HTML (or xml) page of the form sent back to the
browser. This helps the author to protect their code, and ensure that any HTML-based Web
browser completely availability.
Emphasis on reusable components
Jsp page relies on the vast majority of reusable, cross-platform components (JavaBeans or
Enterprise JavaBeansTM components) to implement the requirements of applications more
complex treatment. Developers to be able to share and exchange components to perform common
operations, or make these components more user or client groups to use. Component-based
approach to accelerate the overall development process, and make a variety of organizations in
their existing skills and to optimize the results of development efforts in the balance.
Used to simplify page development logo
Web page developers are not familiar with the scripting language of the programmer.
JavaServer Page technology packages a number of functions, which are in use with the jsp-related
xml logo in dynamic content generation needs. Jsp logo standards can access and instantiate
JavaBeans components, set or retrieve components of property, download Applet, and
implementation by other means more difficult to encode and time-consuming function.
Through the development of customized logos library, jsp technology can be extended. In
future, third-party developers and other personnel for commonly used features to create your own