
0 下载量 131 浏览量 更新于2023-12-26 收藏 358KB PDF 举报
The summary of the situation regarding the construction of the professional development of the 91 Computer Application Technology major is detailed in the document "91 Computer Application Technology Major Construction Summary.pdf". This report discusses the various aspects and achievements of the major, including the participation in conferences, learning from superiors, policies, and reports. It emphasizes the importance of being able to deal with problems effectively and the desire to constantly learn and expand the scope of knowledge. The work within this field is described as complex and comprehensive, requiring individuals to go beyond being simply "professionals" and instead, aim to become "generalists" who are knowledgeable in various areas. It is highlighted that mastering knowledge involves not only acquiring it, but also being able to analyze it rationally. There is an emphasis on the need to not only learn from national routes and approaches, but also to continuously seek out new knowledge and skills. Overall, the report stresses the importance of continuous learning and growth in the field of Computer Application Technology.