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"Linux Kernel Architecture 是一本深入探讨Linux内核结构和功能的书籍,由Amir Hossein Payberah撰写。这本书详细介绍了操作系统的核心部分,包括用户空间与内核空间的区分,以及文件系统、进程管理、设备驱动、内存管理和网络等方面的功能。书中对比了微内核和单体内核的特性,并对Linux内核架构进行了全面概述。" 在深入理解Linux内核之前,首先要明确什么是内核。内核是操作系统的心脏,它提供操作系统的基本功能,如进程管理、内存管理、设备驱动和文件系统等。它是系统模块和服务的基础,负责协调硬件和软件之间的交互。 Linux内核采用了单体内核结构,这意味着所有的核心功能都包含在一个单一的可执行文件中,这与微内核结构不同。微内核只包含最基本的系统服务,如进程间通信(IPC)、部分内存管理和低级输入/输出,其他功能如设备驱动和文件系统则作为独立的服务运行在用户空间。尽管微内核结构提供了模块化和灵活性,但通常在性能上不如单体内核。 内核架构分为两个主要部分:用户空间和内核空间。用户空间是应用程序运行的地方,这些程序不能直接访问硬件资源,而是通过系统调用接口与内核交互。内核空间则包含了操作系统的核心组件,它们可以直接访问硬件并管理系统的各项资源。 在Linux内核的功能概述中,文件系统是内核的重要组成部分,它负责管理和组织磁盘上的数据,提供了抽象化的路径名和文件操作。进程管理则涉及进程的创建、调度、同步和通信。设备驱动程序是操作系统与硬件设备之间的桥梁,它们使得操作系统能够控制和通信硬件设备。内存管理则处理内存的分配、回收以及虚拟内存的实现。最后,网络部分涵盖了网络协议栈,如TCP/IP,以及网络接口的驱动,使得系统能够进行网络通信。 "Linux Kernel Architecture"这本书详尽地阐述了Linux内核的工作原理,无论是对于系统开发者、驱动编写者还是想要深入了解操作系统内部运作的读者,都是极好的参考资料。它不仅讲解了内核的基础知识,还涵盖了内核的高级主题,有助于提升对Linux系统的理解。
454 浏览量
Publisher: Wrox Page : 1371 This book discusses the concepts, structure, and implementation of the Linux kernel. In particular, the individual chapters cover the following topics: ❑ Chapter 1 provides an overview of the Linux kernel and describes the big picture that is investigated more closely in the following chapters. ❑ Chapter 2 talks about the basics of multitasking, scheduling, and process management, and investigates how these fundamental techniques and abstractions are implemented. ❑ Chapter 3 discusses how physical memory is managed. Both the interaction with hardware and the in-kernel distribution of RAM via the buddy system and the slab allocator are covered. ❑ Chapter 4 proceeds to describe how userland processes experience virtual memory, and the comprehensive data structures and actions required from the kernel to implement this view. ❑ Chapter 5 introduces the mechanisms required to ensure proper operation of the kernel on multiprocessor systems. Additionally, it covers the related question of how processes can communicate with each other. ❑ Chapter 6 walks you through the means for writing device drivers that are required to add support for new hardware to the kernel. ❑ Chapter 7 explains how modules allow for dynamically adding new functionality to the kernel. ❑ Chapter 8 discusses the virtual filesystem, a generic layer of the kernel that allows for supporting a wide range of different filesystems, both physical and virtual. ❑ Chapter 9 describes the extended filesystem family, that is, the Ext2 and Ext3 filesystems that are the standard workhorses of many Linux installations. ❑ Chapter 10 goes on to discuss procfs and sysfs, two filesystems that are not designed to store information, but to present meta-information about the kernel to userland. Additionally, a number of means to ease writing filesystems are presented. ❑ Chapter 11 shows how extended attributes and access control lists that can help to improve system security are implemented. ❑ Chapter 12 discusses the networking implementation of the kernel, with a specific focus on IPv4, TCP, UDP, and netfilter. ❑ Chapter 13 introduces how systems calls that are the standard way to request a kernel action from userland are implemented. ❑ Chapter 14 analyzes how kernel activities are triggered with interrupts, and presents means of deferring work to a later point in time. ❑ Chapter 15 shows how the kernel handles all time-related requirements, both with low and high resolution. ❑ Chapter 16 talks about speeding up kernel operations with the help of the page and buffer caches. ❑ Chapter 17 discusses how cached data in memory are synchronized with their sources on persistent storage devices. ❑ Chapter 18 introduces how page reclaim and swapping work.