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The given topic is about a Java interview question and its answer. It discusses the importance of having good English language skills for Java interviews and the connection between Java fundamentals and reading in English.
In the question, five lines of code are provided, and the task is to identify the line that will compile without any warning or error. The answer is option number 5, which declares an integer variable and assigns it a value of 10.
Moving on to the next question, the code snippet is provided, and the task is to predict the outcome of compiling and running the code. The class "MyClass" is defined with a "main" method, which takes an array of strings as an argument. This method calls another method named "amethod" and passes the "arguments" array to it. The "amethod" prints the entire "arguments" array and tries to print the value at index 1 of the array.
The correct answer to this question is that the code will result in an error. Specifically, the error message is "Can't make static reference to void amethod." This error occurs because the "amethod" is not defined as a static method, and it is being called from the static "main" method. To fix this error, the "amethod" should be declared as static.
Overall, these questions highlight the importance of understanding fundamental Java concepts and having good English language skills in a Java interview. It is crucial to have a solid knowledge of Java syntax and language rules to identify lines of code that will compile correctly. Additionally, being able to read and understand English is essential as many Java resources, documentation, and interview questions are written in English. It is important to practice both Java programming skills and English language reading skills to excel in Java interviews.
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2013-02-26 上传
2022-01-24 上传
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