COL 12(11), 111403(2014) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS November 10, 2014
1671-7694/2014/111403(4) 111403-1 © 2014 Chinese Optics Letters
Stable multi-wavelength thulium-doped ber laser
based on all-ber Mach–Zehnder interferometer
Peng Zhang (张 鹏)
, Wanzhuo Ma (马万卓)
, Tianshu Wang (王天枢)
Qingsong Jia (贾青松)
, and Chunming Wan (万春明)
National and Local Joint Engineering Research Center of Space Optoelectronics
Technology, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun 130022, China
College of Science, Changchun University of Science and Technology,
Changchun 130022, China
Corresponding author:
Received June 18, 2014; accepted August 8, 2014; posted online October 27, 2014
We propose and experimentally demonstrate a multi-wavelength thulium-doped ber (TDF) laser based on
all-ber Mach–Zehnder interferometer (MZI) at 1.9 mm. Here a segment of 4 m single-mode TDF is pumped
by 1568 nm ber laser for 2 mm band optical gain. The MZI includes two cascaded 3 dB coupler. A segment of
3.5 m long un-pumped polarization-maintaining TDF and polarization controller (PC) are joined in the ring cavi-
ty to suppress the mode competition. Multi-wavelength lasers at 1.9 mm with wavelength number from one to four
are obtained by adjusting the PC and the stability of output power of multi-wavelength ber laser is analyzed.
OCIS codes: 060.3510, 140.3070.
doi: 10.3788/COL201412.111403.
Thulium-doped ber (TDF) laser sources operating in
the eye-safe 2 mm spectral region have been researched
over the past decade owing to their numerous potential
applications in areas such as lidar, remote sensing, medi-
cal treatment, and free-space optical communications
In recent years, high-power narrow linewidth, wide
tuning range, and mode-locked 2 mm TDF laser have
been researched
and TDF ampliers have also been
designed for free-space optical communications at 2 mm
band optical gain
As for most potential applications mentioned, multi-
wavelength lasers have the great benets of being com-
pact and cost-eective. Multi-wavelength ber lasers
have been signicantly researched in recent years. At
room temperature, multi-wavelength 2 mm region ber
laser can be achieved by dierent approaches, such
as the incorporation of high-birefringence ber Bragg
grating (FBG)
, the use of a nonlinear loop mirror
or the nonlinear polarization rotation eect
, and
the combination of highly nonlinear ber
. However,
high-birefringence FBG limits the number of lasing
wavelengths due to the narrow transmission bands, and
highly nonlinear ber increases the insertion loss in the
cavity. Multi-wavelength lasers based on linear loop
mirror or the nonlinear polarization rotation eect limit
the side mode suppress ratio (SMSR) and linewidth of
lasing wavelengths.
In this letter, a stable multi-wavelength TDF laser
operating at 1.9 mm is proposed and demonstrated by
using an all-ber Mach–Zehnder interferometer (MZI)
and a segment of polarization-maintaining (PM) TDF.
The all-ber MZI works as a comb lter to select wave-
length and the PM-TDF acts as a saturable absorber
to ensure the operation of stable multi-wavelength.
At room temperature, multi-wavelength laser with
wavelength number from one to four can be obtained
by tuning the polarization controller (PC) in the cavity.
SMSR and 3 dB linewidth are 57 dB and 0.149 nm,
respectively, as observed by optical spectrum analyzer
(OSA) and the stability of multi-wavelength ber laser
is analyzed.
Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of the multi-
wavelength TDF laser with the ring cavity. The
1568 nm ber laser with maximum power of 250mW
is injected into a segment of 4 m long TDF by
a 1570/2000 nm wavelength division multiplexer
(WDM). An optical isolator is used to ensure that the
laser oscillates in a single direction around the ring.
The MZI, as a comb lter, is used as the wavelength
selector in the cavity. A 3.5 m long PM-TDF acts
as a saturable absorber to weaken the homogeneous
gain broadening and suppress the mode competition.
The multi-wavelength lasing output is measured by
an OSA (Yokogawa, AQ6375) from the 10% port of a
3 dBOC1
3 dBOC2
Fig. 1. Conguration of multi-wavelength TDF laser. OC,
optical coupler; ISO, optical isolator.