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资源摘要信息:"Dijkstra算法是计算机科学领域中解决单源最短路径问题的一种经典算法。该算法由荷兰计算机科学家艾兹赫尔·戴克斯特拉(Edsger W. Dijkstra)在1956年提出,并于1959年发表。它主要用来在一个带有权重的图中寻找从单一源点到其他所有顶点的最短路径。Dijkstra算法适用于带权重的有向图和无向图,但所有权重都必须为非负数。 Dijkstra算法的基本思想是贪心算法。算法维护一组节点集合S,一开始集合S中只有源点,然后算法按以下步骤进行: 1. 初始化:将所有节点的最短路径估计值设为无穷大,源点的最短路径估计值设为0。 2. 主循环:对集合S以外的每个节点,找出一个离源点最近的节点u(从未处理过的节点中距离最小的节点)。然后将节点u加入集合S中。 3. 松弛操作:更新节点u所有相邻节点v的最短路径估计值,如果通过节点u到达v的路径比之前记录的路径短,则更新路径估计值。 4. 重复上述过程,直到所有节点都加入集合S,此时算法结束。 Dijkstra算法的关键在于松弛操作,通过反复寻找未被处理节点中距离最小的节点,并更新其相邻节点的距离,直到所有节点都被处理完毕。 Dijkstra算法的常见实现方式包括: - 邻接矩阵 - 邻接表 - 优先队列(通常使用最小堆实现) 使用优先队列可以在每次从待处理节点中选取距离最短的节点时将时间复杂度降低到O(logV),其中V是节点数量。这样可以提高算法效率,尤其是在节点数量较多的图中。 Dijkstra算法在多种应用中扮演着核心角色,例如网络路由协议(如OSPF),地图软件中的路径规划,以及在图数据库和图算法库中的实现。例如,图数据库Neo4j中的最短路径算法就是基于Dijkstra算法的改进版,用于解决图形数据库中的路径查找问题。 在实际编程实现Dijkstra算法时,需要注意以下几点: - 如何高效地存储图的数据结构 - 如何选择和实现数据结构来快速获取最短距离最近的节点 - 如何设计数据结构以支持快速更新节点之间的最短路径信息 - 如何处理特殊情况,比如图中存在负权重边时(此时不能使用Dijkstra算法,而应该使用Bellman-Ford算法) 理解Dijkstra算法的工作原理及其应用对于深入学习图论、算法设计和优化以及网络技术等领域至关重要。随着技术的发展,Dijkstra算法也与其他算法结合,衍生出许多新的算法和优化方案,以适应不同的应用场景和需求。"

Solve the problem with c++ code, and give your code: Ack Country has N cities connected by M one-way channels. The cities occupied by the rebels are numbered 1, while the capital of Ack country is numbered N. In order to reduce the loss of effective force, you are permitted to use self-propelled bombers for this task. Any bomber enters the capital, your job is done. This seems simple enough, but the only difficulty is that many cities in Ack Country are covered by shields. If a city is protected by a shield, all shield generators that maintain the shield need to be destroyed before the bomber can enter or pass through the city. Fortunately, we know the cities where all the shield generators are located, and which cities' shields are being charged. If the bomber enters a city, all of its shield generators can be destroyed instantly. You can release any number of Bombermen and execute any command at the same time, but it takes time for bombermen to pass through the roads between cities. Please figure out how soon you can blow up Ack Nation's capital. The clock is ticking. Input: Two positive integers N,M in the first row. The next M lines, each with three positive integers, indicate that there is a road leading from the city to the city. It takes w time for the bomber to cross this road. Then N lines, each describing a city's shield. The first is a positive integer n, representing the number of shield generators that maintain shields in the city. Then n_i city numbers between 1 and N, indicating the location of each shield generator. In other words, if your bomber needs to enter the city, the bomber needs to enter all the entered cities in advance. If n_i=0, the city has no shields. Guarantee n_i=0.Output: a positive integer, the minimum time to blow up the capital. e.g., Input: 6 6 1 2 1 1 4 3 2 3 3 2 5 2 4 6 2 5 3 2 0 0 0 1 3 0 2 3 5, Output: 6.

2023-06-01 上传