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《高级苹果调试与逆向工程》(Advanced Apple Debugging & Reverse Engineering v0.9.5) 是由Derek Selander编著的一本专业书籍,版权归属于Razeware LLC,出版日期为2017年。本书旨在深入探讨苹果设备的高级调试技巧以及逆向工程技术,为读者提供在iOS和macOS平台进行复杂问题排查、软件分析和底层代码理解的实用工具和策略。 首先,书中的重要内容围绕以下几个方面展开: 1. **版权及授权**:所有章节、文本、图片和源代码未经版权所有者事先书面许可,不得任何形式复制或分发。这体现了对知识产权的尊重和保护。 2. **责任声明**:本书和配套材料作为"原样提供"(as-is)产品,不附带任何种类的保证,包括但不限于商品质量、特定用途适用性以及非侵犯他人权利等。作者和版权所有者不对软件本身或使用过程中产生的任何索赔、损失或责任负责。 3. **软件使用限制**:由于本书涉及的可能是受限软件,读者需清楚,使用这些技术可能存在法律风险,读者需自行承担由此产生的后果。 4. **商标注意事项**:书中提及的所有商标和注册商标均为各自所有者的财产,强调了知识产权的归属。 5. **致谢**:作者表达了对妻子Brittany的感谢,她在他默默付出的同时给予了支持,这体现了作者个人情感与专业精神的融合。 《高级苹果调试与逆向工程》可能包含的具体内容可能包括但不限于以下部分: - **苹果设备调试工具的深度剖析**:介绍Xcode、Instruments、GDB等官方和第三方工具的高级用法,以及如何利用它们识别和修复应用中的错误或性能瓶颈。 - **iOS和macOS系统架构的理解**:讲解操作系统内部工作原理,帮助开发者理解如何通过逆向工程手段访问和修改系统级功能。 - **逆向工程实践**:涵盖如何反汇编、静态分析、动态分析和调试器接口的使用,以及如何破解应用程序以获取未公开的API信息。 - **安全与隐私议题**:讨论在调试和逆向工程过程中遇到的安全挑战,如代码混淆、加密技术和隐私政策遵守。 - **案例研究和实战示例**:书中可能提供具体案例,展示如何将理论知识应用于实际项目,提升问题解决能力。 《高级苹果调试与逆向工程》是一本富有深度和技术含量的指南,适合经验丰富的开发者进一步提升技能,同时也为那些希望了解苹果平台底层运作机制的学生和专业人士提供了一个宝贵的资源。
2018-04-04 上传
Advanced Apple Debugging & Reverse Engineering v0.9.5 Explore code through LLDB, Python and DTrace, to discover more about any program than you ever thought possible. Table of Contents 1. Getting Started In this chapter, you’re going to get acquainted with LLDB and investigate the process of introspecting and debugging a program. You’ll start off by introspecting a program you didn’t even write — Xcode! 2. Help & Apropos Just like any respectable developer tool, LLDB ships with a healthy amount of documentation. Knowing how to navigate through this documentation — including some of the more obscure command flags — is essential to mastering LLDB. 3. Attaching with LLDB Now that you’ve learned about the two most essential commands, help and apropos, it’s time to investigate how LLDB attaches itself to processes. You’ll learn all the different ways you can attach LLDB to processes using various options, as well as what happens behind the scenes when attaching to processes. 4. Stopping in Code Whether you’re using Swift, Objective-C, C++, C, or an entirely different language in your technology stack, you’ll need to learn how to create breakpoints. It’s easy to click on the side panel in Xcode to create a breakpoint using the GUI, but the LLDB console can give you much more control over breakpoints. 5. Expression Now that you’ve learned how to set breakpoints so the debugger will stop in your code, it’s time to get useful information out of whatever software you’re debugging. In this chapter you’ll learn about the expression command, which allows you to execute arbitrary code in the debugger. 6. Thread, Frame & Stepping Around You’ve learned how to create breakpoints, how to print and modify values, as well as how to execute code while paused in the debugger. But so far you’ve been left high and dry on how to move around in the debugger and inspect data beyond the immediate. In this chapter, you’ll learn how to move the debugger in and out of functions while LLDB is currently paused. 7. Image it’s time to explore one of the best tools for finding code of interest through the powers of LLDB. In this chapter, you’ll take a deep dive into the image command. 8. Persisting & Customizing Commands In this chapter, you’ll learn how to persist these choices through the .lldbinit file. By persisting your choices and making convenience commands for yourself, your debugging sessions will run much more smoothly and efficiently. This is also an important concept because from here on out, you’ll use the .lldbinit file on a regular basis. 9. Regex Commands In the previous chapter, you learned about the command alias command as well as how to persist commands through the lldbinit file. Unfortunately, command alias has some limitations. The LLDB command command regex acts much like command alias, except you can provide a regular expression for input which will be parsed and applied to the action part of the command. 10. Assembly Register Calling Convention Now you’ve gained a basic understanding of how to maneuver around the debugger, it’s time to take a step down the executable Jenga tower and explore the 1s and 0s that make up your source code. This section will focus on the low-level aspects of debugging. 11. Assembly & Memory In this chapter, you’ll explore how a program executes. You’ll look at a special register used to tell the processor where it should read the next instruction from, as well as how different sizes and groupings of memory can produce very different results. 12. Assembly and the Stack What does being "passed on the stack" mean exactly? It’s time to take a deeper dive into what happens when a function is called from an assembly standpoint by exploring some “stack related” registers as well as the contents in the stack. 13. Hello, Ptrace As alluded to in the introduction to this book, debugging is not entirely about just fixing stuff. Debugging is the process of gaining a better understanding of what’s happening behind the scenes. In this chapter, you’ll explore the foundation of debugging, namely, a system call responsible for a process attaching itself to another process: ptrace. 14. Dynamic Frameworks With dynamic frameworks comes a very interesting aspect of learning, debugging, and reverse engineering. Since you have the ability to load the framework at runtime, you can use LLDB to explore and execute code at runtime, which is great for spelunking in both public and private frameworks. 15. Hooking & Executing Code with dlopen & dlsym It’s time to learn about the complementary skills of developing with these frameworks. In this chapter, you’re going to learn about methods and strategies to “hook” into Swift and C code as well as execute methods you wouldn’t normally have access to. 16. Exploring and Method Swizzling Objective-C Frameworks You’ll cap off this round of dynamic framework exploration by digging into Objective-C frameworks using the Objective-C runtime to hook and execute methods of interest. 17. Hello Script Bridging Next up in the tradeoff between convenience and complexity is LLDB’s script bridging. With script bridging, you can do nearly anything you like. Script bridging is a Python interface LLDB uses to help extend the debugger to accomplish your wildest debugging dreams. 18. Debugging Script Bridging You need a methodical way to figure out what went wrong in your LLDB script so you don’t pull your hair out. In this chapter, you’ll explore how to inspect your LLDB Python scripts using the Python pdb module, which is used for debugging Python scripts. 19. Script Bridging Classes and Hierarchy You’ve learned the essentials of working with LLDB’s Python module, as well as how to correct any errors using Python’s PDB debugging module. Now you’ll explore the main players within the lldb Python module for a good overview of the main parts. In this chapter, you’ll add some arguments to this script and deal with some annoying edge cases, such handling commands differently between Objective-C and Swift. 20. Script Bridging with Options & Arguments When you’re creating a custom debugging command, you’ll often want to slightly tweak functionality based upon options or arguments supplied to your command. A custom LLDB command that can do a job only one way is a boring one-trick pony. In this chapter, you’ll explore how to pass optional parameters (aka options) as well as arguments (parameters which are expected) to your custom command to alter functionality or logic in your custom LLDB scripts. 21. Script Bridging with SBValue & Memory So far, when evaluating JIT code (i.e. Objective-C, Swift, C, etc. code that’s executed through your Python script), you’ve used a small set of APIs to evaluate the code. It’s time to talk about a new class in the lldb Python module, SBValue, and how it can simplify the parsing of JIT code output. 22. SB Examples, Improved Lookup For the rest of the chapters in this section, you'll focus on Python scripts. As alluded to in the previous chapter, the image lookup -rn command is on its way out. When you finish this chapter, you’ll have a new script named "lookup" which queries in a much cleaner way. 23. SB Examples, Resymbolicating a Stripped ObjC Binary When LLDB comes up against a stripped executable (an executable devoid of DWARF debugging information), LLDB won’t have the symbol information to give you the stack trace. Instead, LLDB will generate a synthetic name for a method it recognizes as a method, but doesn’t know what to call it. In this chapter, you’ll build an LLDB script that will resymbolicate stripped Objective-C functions in a stack trace. 24. SB Examples, Malloc Logging For the final chapter in this section, you’ll go through the same steps I myself took to understand how the MallocStackLogging environment variable is used to get the stack trace when an object is created. From there, you’ll create a custom LLDB command which gives you the stack trace of when an object was allocated or deallocated in memory — even after the stack trace is long gone from the debugger. 25. Hello, DTrace You’ll explore a very small section of what DTrace is capable of doing by tracing Objective-C code in already compiled applications. Using DTrace to observe iOS frameworks (like UIKit) can give you an incredible insight into how the authors designed their code. 26. Intermediate DTrace This chapter will act as a grab-bag of more DTrace fundamentals, destructive actions (yay!), as well as how to use DTrace with Swift. In this chapter, you'll learn additional ways DTrace can profile code, as well as how to augment existing code without laying a finger on the actual executable itself. 27. DTrace vs objc_msgSend In this chapter, you'll use DTrace to hook objc_msgSend's entry probe and pull out the class name along with the Objective-C selector for that class. By the end of this chapter, you'll have LLDB generating a DTrace script which only generates tracing info for code implemented within the main executable that calls objc_msgSend.