"基于产品样机的研发项目管理决策框架" - 信息化项目管理的实践指南

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&D project management situation 2.3 Decision making challenges in R&D project management 2.4 Summary Chapter 3 Framework for decision-making in R&D project management 3.1 Product prototype development process 3.2 Key decision points in R&D project management 3.3 Factors influencing decision-making in R&D projects 3.4 Framework for effective decision-making in R&D project management Chapter 4 Case study: Application of the decision-making framework in a product prototype development project 4.1 Overview of the case study project 4.2 Implementation of the decision-making framework 4.3 Evaluation of the framework's effectiveness in project management 4.4 Lessons learned from the case study Chapter 5 Conclusion and recommendations 5.1 Summary of key findings 5.2 Recommendations for improving decision-making in R&D project management 5.3 Future research directions In conclusion, effective decision-making plays a crucial role in the success of R&D project management, particularly in product prototype development projects. The framework outlined in this document provides a structured approach to decision-making, taking into account the unique challenges and complexities of R&D projects. By following this framework, project managers can make informed decisions at key points in the project lifecycle, leading to improved project outcomes and successful product development. Further research and application of this framework can contribute to advancing the field of project management and ensuring the successful execution of R&D projects.