According to the inverse-square law in physics, we choose
m ¼ 2, n ¼ 1, and
¼ 1 for simplicity in the paper.
We take the parameter c as a zero-nonzero switch,
which controls two different characteristics of the force
field. When c ¼ 0, only the attractive part takes effect. In
this case, the vector flows bi-directionally converge to the
boundaries. If ca0, the combination of the attractive
effect and the repulsive effect produces equilibrium
adjacent to the boundary with a distance. In this situation,
the morphological dilation effect is achieved by the
equilibrium positions. We will use these two different
characteristics for different applications (see details in
Section 5). In the following, we take two toy examples, the
line edge and the step edge, to show these characteristics
of the L-J force intuitively.
3.1.1. Case of c ¼ 0
This case means that we only use the attractive term in
; e
: ð8Þ
Fig. 2(a) shows the attraction performance of L-J force
field on the line edge. The top of Fig. 2(a) is the vector
flows of the line edge map, and the amplitude response of
L-J force field is shown at the bottom. The sign of
amplitude response curve represents the direction of
vector flows: the negative stands for direction from right
to left, and the positive for the opposite direction. In
Fig. 2(a), the vector flows bi-directionally converge to the
line edge, i.e., the L-J force forms a head-to-head vector
flows across the line edge. The performance of L-J force
field on the step edge is illustrated in Fig. 2(b). The vector
flows and the amplitude responses of the step edge are
similar to those of the line edge in Fig. 2(a). It implies that
the L-J force field not only forms the vector flows bi-
directionally converging to the boundaries in the line-like
edge map, but also it can achieve the same effect to the
step-like edge map or piecewise-content image.
3.1.2. Case of ca0
The case of ca0 means both the attractive force and
the repulsive force are taken into account. Fig. 2(c)
illustrates the performance of L-J force field on the line
edge map in this case, where the top shows the vector
flows of the line edge and the bottom is the amplitude
response curve. Across the line edge, the vector flows
converge to the equilibrium positions at both sides of the
line edge with a distance to the line edge. The equili-
briums correspond to the zero-crossing points in the
amplitude response curve. This phenomenon can be used
to form the morphological dilation effect. The L-J force
field of the step edge is shown in Fig. 2(d), and it is similar
to Fig. 2(c): for either the step edge or the line edge the L-J
force field can achieve the same morphological dilation
3.2. L-J force driven GAC
Our purpose is to design a GAC model based on the L-J
force field. An intuitive way is to replace F
in (1) with
the L-J force F
, i.e., C
ðCÞþb þ F
NÞN, where
and b are same as in (1). However, the constant
propagation expansion term b usually cannot respond
properly to the local situation. At the boundary positions
whose responses are weaker than b, i.e., the weak edges,
the evolving curve will be divergent. If we drop out the
balloon force or set it with a small value improperly, the
curve evolution will show the phenomenon of conglutina-
tion at those positions where F N 0, or where the
amplitude of the local force is too weak to drive C. To deal
with the above issues, we use an adaptive propagation
expansion term b according to the local force field [11]:
ðFðsÞNÞgðjFðsÞNjÞ; ð9Þ
where sign
ðxÞ is a sign function to indicate the local
direction change (inflation or deflation) of the curve:
ðxÞ¼1 when xZ
, otherwise sign
is a
constant to balance the expansion and the contraction
effect. And gðÞ is a monotonically decreasing function that
adaptively controls the curve evolution according to the
local vector field. Therefore the proposed L-J force driven
GAC model is given as
NÞN: ð10Þ
U shape is often used to test the performance of the
GAC model for the special case with deep concave shape.
In [9], GVF showed good property for U shape. Fig. 3 shows
the results of U shape by the proposed method and GVF. It
can be found that the proposed L-J force driven GAC deals
with the U shape as well as GVF.
Fig. 4 shows the performances with different
expansion term schemes. Fig. 4(c) is the result with
b ¼ 0. The curve cannot go into the deep narrow gaps,
because the vectors near the boundaries are nearly
perpendicular to the boundaries and the width of the
gap is very narrow so that there are no vectors digging
into the depth of the gap. Fig. 4(d) shows the result using a
constant expansion term ðb ¼ 0:3Þ. Since b is relatively
larger than some edge responses, some weak edges of
matches are leaked; a constant expansion term is not
suitable for the situation where the edge responses are
non-uniform. Fig. 4(b) shows the result using the local
adaptive expansion term. The whole boundaries of
matches are well segmented.
4. Analysis of vector flow field
In this section, we first discuss how to evaluate the
force field in GAC model quantitatively. Then we will give
a comparison between the L-J force field and GVF. At last,
we will prove that the electrostatic model [13,20] is
actually a special case of the L-J force field model.
4.1. Two quantitative criteria for the force field evaluation
To our best knowledge, all the previous works
evaluated the force field used in GAC by observing the
By selecting proper DðÞ for feature set F , image can be
decomposed into approximately ‘‘stepwise’’ components in the sense
of homogeneity of metric.
Please cite this article as: Z. Li, et al., Lennard-Jones force field for geometric active contour, Signal Process. (2009),
Z. Li et al. / Signal Processing ] (]] ]]) ]]]–]]]4