ASP.NET 4.5入门指南:C#与VB实战

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"Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 In C# And VB" 是一本关于ASP.NET 4.5技术的入门教程,由Imar Spaanjaars撰写。这本书旨在引导初学者了解并掌握使用C#和VB.NET开发ASP.NET Web应用程序的基本步骤和概念。 书中详细介绍了如何获取和安装Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web以及Visual Studio 2012,这是进行ASP.NET开发的基础工具。作者首先讲解了如何创建首个网站,让读者快速上手实践。在理解了开发环境后,书中进一步阐述了ASP.NET页面的工作原理,即服务器如何处理这些页面并将其发送到浏览器的过程。 随着内容的深入,读者将学习到如何设计和构建Web页面,使用和自定义ASP.NET服务器控件,以及如何编程实现页面功能。在网页设计方面,书中有专门的章节讨论如何创建一致的网站外观和导航结构。此外,用户输入验证、ASP.NET AJAX、jQuery的使用也被涵盖,这些都是现代Web开发中不可或缺的部分。 数据库是Web应用的核心,本书从介绍数据库开始,逐步引导读者学习如何显示和更新数据,使用LINQ和ADO.NET Entity Framework进行数据操作。对于更高级的主题,如数据处理的复杂操作、网站安全性、个性化设置、异常处理、调试、追踪以及网站部署,都有专门的章节进行详细讲解。 通过这本书,读者不仅可以了解到ASP.NET 4.5的核心概念和技术,还能掌握实际开发中的实用技巧和最佳实践。书后的附录提供了练习答案和SQL Server 2012的配置指南,以便读者更好地巩固所学知识。 "Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 In C# And VB"是一本全面且深入的教程,适合想要学习和掌握ASP.NET 4.5开发技术的初学者,无论他们选择C#还是VB.NET作为编程语言。
2012-12-03 上传
这是第六版的介绍《ASP.NET 4入门经典:涵盖C#和VB.NET(第6版)》内容简介:ASP.NET是.NET Framework的一部分,用于构建内容丰富的动态Web站点。其最新的版本ASP.NET 4对上一版进行了许多改进,包括增强了Web窗体,并添加了jQuery的支持。《ASP.NET 4入门经典:涵盖C#和VB.NET(第6版)》循序渐进,逐步讲解了如何使用ASP.NET 4构建内容丰富的Web站点,并提供了大量使用C#和VB的示例。通过实际动手练习,您将学到关于构建Web站点的第一手信息,同时能够深刻理解在浏览器中查看ASP.NET 4页面时,后台到底发生了什么。 这是第七版,也就是本源码书的介绍 The ultimate programming guide to ASP.NET 4.5, by popular author and Microsoft MVP Imar Spaanjaars Updated for ASP.NET 4.5, this introductory book is filled with helpful examples and contains a user-friendly, step-by-step format. Written by popular author and Microsoft ASP.NET MVP Imar Spaanjaars, this book walks you through ASP.NET, Microsoft's technology for building dynamically generated web pages. This edition retains the highly accessible approach to building the Planet Wrox website example, an online community site featuring product reviews, picture sharing, bonus content for registered users, and more. Contains the comprehensive guide to the latest technology additions to ASP.NET 4.5 Shows how to build basic ASP.NET web pages and configure their server Includes information on how to add features with pre-built server controls Reveals how to design pages and make them consistent Contains the information needed for getting user input and displaying data Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C# and VB uses Spaanjaars's distinct writing style to put you at ease with learning ASP.NET 4.5.

根据以下要求编写一个python程序1. Description Ship of Fools is a simple classic dice game. It is played with five standard 6-faced dice by two or more players. - The goal of the game is to gather a 6, a 5 and a 4 (ship, captain and crew) in the mentioned order. - The sum of the two remaining dice (cargo) is preferred as high as possible. The player with the highest cargo score wins the round. Example: - In the first round turn, if a player rolls 6 4 3 3 1 (note we five dice at the beginning), the player can bank the 6 (ship), but the rest needs to be re-rolled since there is no 5. - In the second round turn, if the player rolls 6 5 4 4 (four dice, since the 6 from last turn is banked), the player can bank the 5 (captain) and the 4 (crew). The player has three choices for the remaining 6 and 4. The player can bank both and score 10 points, or re-roll one or two of the dice and hope for a higher score. - In the second round turn, if the player instead rolled 4 4 3 1, all dice needs to be re-rolled since there is no 5.程序需要包含一下几个类.The division of responsibility between the different classes is as follows. - Die: Responsible for handling randomly generated integer values between 1 and 6. - DiceCup: Handles five objects (dice) of class Die. Has the ability to bank and release dice individually. Can also roll dice that are not banked. - ShipOfFoolsGame: Responsible for the game logic and has the ability to play a round of the game resulting in a score. Also has a property that tells what accumulated score results in a winning state, for example 21. - Player: Responsible for the score of the individual player. Has the ability, given a game logic, play a round of a game. The gained score is accumulated in the attribute score. - PlayRoom: Responsible for handling a number of players and a game. Every round the room lets each player play, and afterwards check if any player has reached the winning score.

2023-06-02 上传

Based on the following story, continue the story by writing two paragraphs, paragraph 1 beginning with "A few weeks later, I went to the farm again. " and paragraph 2 beginning with "I was just about to leave when the hummingbird appeared."respectively with 150 words. I was invited to a cookout on an old friend's farm in western Washington. I parked my car outside the farm and walked past a milking house which had apparently not been used in many years.A noise at a window caught my attention,so I entered it. It was a hummingbird,desperately trying to escape. She was covered in spider-webs and was barely able to move her wings. She ceased her struggle the instant I picked her up. With the bird in my cupped hand, I looked around to see how she had gotten in. The broken window glass was the likely answer. I stuffed a piece of cloth into the hole and took her outside,closing the door securely behind me. When I opened my hand, the bird did not fly away; she sat looking at me with her bright eyes.I removed the sticky spider-webs that covered her head and wings. Still, she made no attempt to fly.Perhaps she had been struggling against the window too long and was too tired? Or too thirsty? As I carried her up the blackberry-lined path toward my car where I kept a water bottle, she began to move. I stopped, and she soon took wing but did not immediately fly away. Hovering,she approached within six inches of my face. For a very long moment,this tiny creature looked into my eyes, turning her head from side to side. Then she flew quickly out of sight. During the cookout, I told my hosts about the hummingbird incident. They promised to fix the window. As I was departing, my friends walked me to my car. I was standing by the car when a hummingbird flew to the center of our group and began hovering. She turned from person to person until she came to me. She again looked directly into my eyes, then let out a squeaking call and was gone. For a moment, all were speechless. Then someone said, “She must have come to say good-bye.”

2023-02-12 上传