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《精通AngularJS指令》是一本由Josh Kurz编著的专业书籍,收录在Allitebooks.com网站中。该书针对的是AngularJS开发人员,特别是那些希望深入了解并掌握如何构建、维护和测试生产级别的AngularJS指令的读者。AngularJS是一款流行的前端JavaScript框架,它允许开发者创建动态Web应用程序,通过指令(Directives)实现组件化开发,从而提高代码复用性和灵活性。 本书的核心内容涵盖了以下几个关键知识点: 1. **AngularJS基础知识**:首先,作者会回顾AngularJS的基本概念,如模块、控制器、服务和依赖注入等,确保读者对AngularJS的体系结构有深入理解。 2. **指令设计原则**:作者会详细解释如何设计高效且易于维护的指令,包括指令的生命周期、作用域、模板和控制器的关联,以及如何处理DOM事件。 3. **自定义指令**:书中将涵盖如何创建自定义指令,包括指令的标记语法、指令的配置选项、以及如何利用指令实现复杂的UI行为和数据绑定。 4. **指令的高级特性**:这包括指令的指令链、指令的隔离(isolating scope)、指令的指令数组、以及指令的指令模板URL等高级功能。 5. **指令的最佳实践**:讨论如何遵循编码规范,编写可测试的指令,并提供性能优化的建议,确保生产的指令在各种环境下都能稳定运行。 6. **指令的测试与调试**:书中会介绍如何使用AngularJS内置的测试工具和第三方测试库来测试指令的功能和性能,以及如何解决调试过程中可能遇到的问题。 7. **案例研究和实战项目**:通过实际项目展示指令的使用场景,帮助读者更好地理解和应用所学知识。 8. **版权与法律声明**:最后,版权页强调了图书的版权信息,以及复制、传播内容的相关规定,保障了知识产权。 《精通AngularJS指令》不仅适合有一定AngularJS基础的开发人员,也适合希望通过深入学习提升指令开发技能的专业人士。对于那些寻求在AngularJS生态系统中构建复杂应用的开发者来说,这本书是一本不可或缺的参考资料。
2016-03-14 上传
AngularJS, propelled by Google, is quickly becoming one of the most popular JavaScript MVC frameworks available, working to invert the development paradigm and bring data-driven modularity to the web frontend. Directives serve as the core building blocks in AngularJS and enable you to create reusable models that mold around your data structures and breathe new life into the intersection of HTML and JavaScript. AngularJS Directives serves as an in-depth study of some of the core features of AngularJS and provides you with all the knowledge you need to create fully dynamic web applications that respond in real-time to changes in data. You’ll learn how to build directives from the ground up as well as some of the best practices for architecting them. By the end of this book, you’ll be able to create a web application comprised of multiple modules all working together seamlessly to provide the best possible user experience. AngularJS Directives starts by investigating the best practices for single-page application development overall before diving into how AngularJS directives fulfill those goals. At each step, you’ll learn both the how and why of what we’re building, and by the end, you’ll not only know the facts necessary to create a directive, but you’ll also have the knowledge to decide how best to assemble it. You’ll also learn why it’s best to build applications with the data-model as your foundation, how to craft new dynamic modules that communicate with each other, how to build widgets that can be embedded in third-party websites, and even how to create custom inputs so your users can intuitively interact with your data. In AngularJS Directives, you’ll learn all the necessary tools to begin architecting your own directives and how to use them in the construction of a more dynamic Web.
2024-09-05 上传