6502 CPU编程指南:NES游戏系统与汇编语言

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"Programming_the_6502" 是一本关于6502微处理器编程的书籍,主要关注在任天堂娱乐系统(NES)中的应用。这本书由Rodnay Zaks撰写,是第四版,包含了对练习题的回答。书中涵盖了6502汇编语言的基础概念和实践知识。 在6502编程中,你需要了解以下关键知识点: 1. **6502微处理器**:6502是一款8位微处理器,广泛应用于80年代的家用游戏机和计算机,如任天堂的NES系统。它的简单结构和高效性能使其成为那个时代许多经典游戏的基石。 2. **汇编语言**:6502汇编语言是一种低级编程语言,与6502处理器的指令集直接对应。程序员通过汇编语言编写程序,然后通过汇编器转换成机器码,这些机器码可以直接被CPU执行。 3. **NES系统**:全称为Nintendo Entertainment System,是任天堂公司在1980年代推出的一款家用游戏机,其核心就是6502处理器。理解6502对于开发NES游戏至关重要。 4. **基本概念**:书中的第一部分会讲解编程6502时的基本概念,可能包括寄存器、内存映射、指令集、寻址模式、中断系统等。这些是理解和编写6502汇编程序的基础。 5. **指令集**:6502有大约50条不同的指令,每一条指令执行特定的操作,如加法、比较、转移控制流等。熟悉这些指令及其用法是编程的关键。 6. **编程实践**:书中可能包含实际编程技巧,如优化代码、处理I/O、图形和声音编程,以及如何利用NES的硬件特性。 7. **答案解答**:第四版的一个特点是包含了练习题的答案,这对于学习者来说是宝贵的资源,可以验证自己的理解并学习作者的解决方法。 8. **版权信息**:提到该书的版权归属和使用限制,强调了未经许可不得复制或分发,同时指出制造商可能随时更改电路设计,提醒读者注意。 这本书的内容深入浅出,适合想要学习6502汇编语言以及NES系统开发的读者。通过学习,你可以掌握如何编写直接与硬件交互的低级程序,这对于理解计算机工作原理和复古游戏开发非常有价值。
2023-07-15 上传

The Sleeping Teaching Assistant A university computer science department has a teaching assistant (TA) who helps undergraduate students with their programming assignments during regular office hours. The TA’s office is rather small and has room for only one desk with a chair and computer. There are three chairs in the hallway outside the office where students can sit and wait if the TA is currently helping another student. When there are no students who need help during office hours, the TA sits at the desk and takes a nap. If a student arrives during office hours and finds the TA sleeping, the student must awaken the TA to ask for help. If a student arrives and finds the TA currently helping another student, the student sits on one of the chairs in the hallway and waits. If no chairs are available, the student will come back at a later time. Using POSIX threads, mutex locks, and/or semaphores, implement a solution that coordinates the activities of the TA and the students. Details for this assignment are provided below. Using Pthreads, begin by creating N students. Each will run as a separate thread. The TA will run as a separate thread as well. Student threads will alternate between programming for a period of time and seeking help from the TA. If the TA is available, they will obtain help. Otherwise, they will either sit in a chair in the hallway or, if no chairs are available, will resume programming and will seek help at a later time. If a student arrives and notices that the TA is sleeping, the student must notify the TA using a semaphore. When the TA finishes helping a student, the TA must check to see if there are students waiting for help in the hallway. If so, the TA must help each of these students in turn. If no students are present, the TA may return to napping. Perhaps the best option for simulating students programming—as well as the TA providing help to a student—is to have the appropriate threads sleep for a random period of time using the sleep() API:

2023-06-04 上传