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"《Java中的机器学习》是一本专为编程爱好者特别是Java开发者设计的实用指南,旨在帮助读者利用Java的关键机器学习库设计、构建并部署自己的机器学习应用。这本书适合两种类型的读者:一是已经熟悉Java基础的程序员,他们可以借此深入了解如何将机器学习技术融入到Java项目中;二是对于Java和机器学习都感兴趣的初学者,它提供了一个从零开始学习的路径,通过一步步的手把手教学,让读者能够掌握基础算法及其在Java中的实现。 作者Boštjan Kaluža以其深入浅出的方式讲解,确保读者能够在阅读过程中理解各种机器学习概念和技术。书中涵盖了机器学习的常用算法,包括但不限于监督学习、无监督学习、深度学习等,这些内容都是以Java代码的形式呈现,便于读者实践操作。此外,本书特别强调理论与实践的结合,适合那些希望自行实现机器学习算法的开发者。 尽管《MachineLearninginJava》的出版时间是2016年,但其内容仍然具有较高的实用价值,因为机器学习领域的基础知识和核心库并未发生重大变化。全书享有版权保护,未经许可不得复制或传播,以保证知识的完整性和权威性。 推荐指数为4.1星,表明该书获得了读者的高度评价,但也暗示可能存在一些改进的空间。《Java中的机器学习》是一本值得投资的资源,对于想要在Java环境中开展机器学习工作的专业人士来说,它能提供坚实的基础和实战经验,是提升技能、扩展职业领域的重要参考资料。无论你是经验丰富的Java开发者还是对机器学习感兴趣的新手,这本书都将是你探索这个交叉学科领域的理想伴侣。"
2017-07-13 上传
Mastering Java Machine Learning English | 2017 | ISBN-10: 1785880519 | 556 pages | PDF/MOBI/EPUB (conv) | 20 Mb Become an advanced practitioner with this progressive set of master classes on application-oriented machine learning About This Book Comprehensive coverage of key topics in machine learning with an emphasis on both the theoretical and practical aspects More than 15 open source Java tools in a wide range of techniques, with code and practical usage. More than 10 real-world case studies in machine learning highlighting techniques ranging from data ingestion up to analyzing the results of experiments, all preparing the user for the practical, real-world use of tools and data analysis. Who This Book Is For This book will appeal to anyone with a serious interest in topics in Data Science or those already working in related areas: ideally, intermediate-level data analysts and data scientists with experience in Java. Preferably, you will have experience with the fundamentals of machine learning and now have a desire to explore the area further, are up to grappling with the mathematical complexities of its algorithms, and you wish to learn the complete ins and outs of practical machine learning. What You Will Learn Master key Java machine learning libraries, and what kind of problem each can solve, with theory and practical guidance. Explore powerful techniques in each major category of machine learning such as classification, clustering, anomaly detection, graph modeling, and text mining. Apply machine learning to real-world data with methodologies, processes, applications, and analysis. Techniques and experiments developed around the latest specializations in machine learning, such as deep learning, stream data mining, and active and semi-supervised learning. Build high-performing, real-time, adaptive predictive models for batch- and stream-based big data learning using the latest tools and methodologies. Get a deeper understanding of technologies leading to