
需积分: 0 0 下载量 26 浏览量 更新于2024-03-13 收藏 5.84MB PDF 举报
The function1 in P5 is a mathematical function that calculates the power of a given number. It takes two input parameters, x and y, where x is the base number and y is the exponent to which x is raised. The function uses a variable s initialized to 1.0 to store the result of the power calculation. It also uses variables n and N to store the user input for the exponent and the upper limit of the exponent, respectively. The function starts by prompting the user to input the values of x and N for the power calculation. It then reads and stores these values using the scanf function. Next, the function calculates the power of x raised to the exponent n using a loop structure. The loop iterates N times, multiplying x by itself each time to calculate the power. The result is stored in the variable s. Finally, the function prints the result of the power calculation to the console using the printf function. Overall, the function1 in P5 is a simple yet effective function for calculating the power of a given number. It demonstrates basic input/output operations and looping structure in a C program.