第 3 2 卷第 5 期
2 0 0 9 年 1 0 月
Transactions of Atmospheric Sciences
Vol. 32 No. 5
Oct. 2009
周 晓 冬 ,李 永 秀 ,张 雪 松 ,申 双 和
冠层 上 、中、下 层 ,阴叶(无直射光照射)与阳叶(有直射光照射)的光合特性的差异。结果表明,同
率均表现为上层阳叶 > 中层阳叶 > 下层阳叶,上层阴叶 > 中层阴叶 > 下层阴叶;上层阳叶气孔导度
大于阴叶,中、下层阴、阳叶的气孔导度无显著差异;上部叶片气孔导度 > 中部叶片 > 下部叶片;同
关 键 词 :棉 花 ;光合速率;胞间二氧化碳浓度;气孔导度;阳叶;阴叶
中图分类号:S161 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-7097(2009)05-0673-04
Difference of Photosynthetic Characteristics of Different
Height Leaves in the Cotton Flower-boll
Development Phase in Huaibei Area
Z H O U Xiao-dong,LI Yong-xiu,Z H A N G Xue-song,S H E N Shuang-he
(School of Applied Meteorology,NUIST,Nanjing 210044’China)
Abstract : Under natural population condition, photosynthesis of sunlit and shaded leaves at different
heights of cotton canopy was measured by a portable photosynthetic gas analysis system LI-6400 in
Huaibei cotton area. T he results s how that a sunlit leaf had a significantly higher photons fu x density
( P F D ) ,net photosynthetic rate (P n ) than a shaded leaf at the same height. P F D and Pn of a sunlit ( sha
ded) leaf were the highest in upper canopy the next in middle canopy,and the lowest in basal canopy.
A sunlit leaf in upper canopy had a larger stomatal conductance (Gs) than a shaded leaf, but leaf in
middle or basal canopy had a similar G s no matter what it was a sunlit or shaded leaf. The G s of leaf
was the largest in upper canop y ,the next in middle canop y,and the least in basal canopy. A sunlit leaf
had a significantly lower intercellular C O 2 concentration(C i ) than a shaded leaf at the same height;the
difference between the both be came larger and larger as the depth of the canopy increased. Difference in
Ci between sunlit leaves was not significant,but significant between shaded leaves as the depth of the
canopy increased
K e y w ords : cotton ; photosynthetic rate ; stomatal conductance ; intercellular C O 2 concentrations ; sunlit
leaf ; shaded leaf
收稿日期:008-12-25 ;改回日期:2009-08-28
作者简介:周晓冬(1974—),女,江苏如皋人,博士,研究方向为作物栽培生理,zhouxiaodong0118@126. com;申双和(通信作者),男,博士,
教授,博士生导师,yqzhr@ nuist. edu. cn.