Eclipse 4插件开发实战指南

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"Eclipse 4 Plug-in Development by Example - Eclipse4插件开发" 《Eclipse 4 Plug-in Development by Example》是一本面向初学者的指南,专门讲解如何为Eclipse 4开发、构建、测试、打包和发布插件。这本书同样涵盖了对Eclipse 3.x版本的兼容性,帮助开发者在两个主要的Eclipse平台上创建功能丰富的插件。 Eclipse是一个强大的开源集成开发环境(IDE),广泛用于Java和其他语言的开发。其插件系统是其核心特性之一,允许用户通过添加新的功能和工具来扩展Eclipse的功能。Eclipse 4引入了重要的架构更新,包括更现代的UI框架和模块化设计,这使得插件开发变得更加灵活和高效。 在本书中,作者Dr. Alex Blewitt将引导读者逐步学习Eclipse插件开发的过程。这可能包括以下知识点: 1. **Eclipse插件体系结构**:理解Eclipse插件的基础,如OSGi模块系统,以及它们如何在Eclipse平台中交互。 2. **插件开发环境设置**:配置Eclipse IDE以支持插件开发,安装必要的插件如PDE(Plugin Development Environment)。 3. **插件项目结构**:了解标准的Eclipse插件项目的目录结构和文件,如plugin.xml,manifest.mf等。 4. **UI组件创建**:学习如何使用Eclipse 4的RCP(Rich Client Platform)创建自定义的用户界面,包括使用E4模型视图控制器(MVC)架构。 5. **事件和服务**:掌握Eclipse中的事件传播机制和服务注册,这是插件间通信的关键。 6. **扩展点和扩展**:理解如何利用Eclipse的扩展点系统来实现插件间的互操作性。 7. **构建和测试**:学习使用Ant或Gradle自动化插件的构建过程,并进行单元测试和集成测试。 8. **打包和部署**:了解如何将插件打包成可分发的.p2 repository或.update site,以及如何在Eclipse实例中安装和更新这些插件。 9. **向后兼容性**:探讨如何确保新开发的Eclipse 4插件也能在Eclipse 3.x环境中运行,这对于拥有大量3.x用户的组织至关重要。 10. **发布策略**:学习如何通过Eclipse Marketplace或其他渠道发布插件,以便其他开发者和用户可以找到并安装。 这本书不仅提供了理论知识,还包含了大量的实践示例,旨在让读者能够快速上手并熟练掌握Eclipse插件开发。通过这本书的学习,读者不仅可以提升自己的编程技能,还能深入理解Eclipse平台的工作原理,从而更好地定制和优化他们的开发环境。
2014-01-01 上传
How to develop, build, test, package, and release Eclipse plug-ins with features for Eclipse 3.x and Eclipse 4.x Overview Create plug-ins to extend the Eclipse runtime covering Eclipse 3.x and the changes required for Eclipse 4.x Plug-ins from design to distribution — wide coverage of the entire process No prior OSGi or Eclipse plug-in development experience necessary In Detail As a highly extensible platform, Eclipse is used by everyone from independent software developers to NASA. Key to this is Eclipse’s plug-in ecosystem, which allows applications to be developed in a modular architecture and extended through its use of plug-ins and features. "Eclipse Plugin Development by Example: Beginner's Guide" takes the reader through the full journey of plug-in development, starting with an introduction to Eclipse plug-ins, continued through packaging and culminating in automated testing and deployment. The example code provides simple snippets which can be developed and extended to get you going quickly. This book covers basics of plug-in development, creating user interfaces with both SWT and JFace, and interacting with the user and execution of long-running tasks in the background. Example-based tasks such as creating and working with preferences and advanced tasks such as well as working with Eclipse’s files and resources. A specific chapter on the differences between Eclipse 3.x and Eclipse 4.x presents a detailed view of the changes needed by applications and plug-ins upgrading to the new model. Finally, the book concludes on how to package plug-ins into update sites, and build and test them automatically. What you will learn from this book How to create plug-ins for Eclipse 3.x and 4.x and automatically test plug-ins with JUnit How to display tree and table information in views What are the specific differences between the Eclipse 3.x model and the Eclipse 4.x model How and when to build user interfaces from SWT and JFace How to run tasks in the background and update the user interface asynchronously How to build plug-ins, features and update sites with Maven Tycho and automate user interface tests with SWTBot How to store and obtain preferences, and how to integrate with the Preferences panel How to work with the Eclipse resources model for creating and updating files and reporting errors to the user Approach A Beginner's Guide following the "by Example" approach. There will be 5-8 major examples that will be used in the book to develop advanced plugins with the Eclipse IDE. Who this book is written for This book is for Java developers who are familiar with Eclipse as a Java IDE and are interested in learning how to develop plug-ins for Eclipse. No prior knowledge of Eclipse plug-in development or OSGi is necessary, although you are expected to know how to create, run, and debug Java programs in Eclipse. Product Details Paperback: 348 pages Publisher: Packt Publishing (June 20, 2013) Language: English ISBN-10: 1782160329 ISBN-13: 978-1782160328