
5星 · 超过95%的资源 1 下载量 21 浏览量 更新于2024-02-26 收藏 4.02MB DOCX 举报
The development of information management systems has greatly improved the level of informatization among people. Traditional management methods have too many limitations regarding time and location, while online management systems can meet these needs perfectly, breaking the limitations of traditional management methods. In response to this demand, this paper designs and implements a university education management system based on the SpringBoot framework, aiming to solve various issues related to course selection efficiently. This paper describes the university education management system, analyzing its background in conjunction with the characteristics of electronic management systems, and proposing a design solution for its implementation. The main focus of this paper is on the division of permissions for different users, each with different operational functions. In the student module, students can register and log in, view course information, course selection information, course grades, course evaluations, apply for course withdrawals, and update personal information. In the teacher module, teachers can add course information or review information. In the administrator module, administrators can perform corresponding operations on student information, teacher information, course information, and course selection information. The key words for this research are university education management system, and the SpringBoot framework. This system provides a convenient and effective solution to various issues related to course selection and management within universities, aiming to improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the education system.