OTN G.709协议详解:光通信接口与复用原理

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"OTN G.709协议是国际电信联盟(ITU-T)制定的一份标准,用于规范光传输网络接口结构和相关的复用、映射原则。此协议的第二修正版(02/2022)主要关注OTN(Optical Transport Network)的数字终端设备和互联网协议方面,特别是针对光传输网络的接口标准。" G.709协议的核心内容包括以下几个方面: 1. 范围与引用: 协议的范围涵盖了OTN的接口结构、信息结构以及复用和映射原理。它引用了一系列相关标准和定义,为OTN网络的设计、建设和维护提供依据。 2. 术语和定义: 在协议中,定义了与OTN相关的专业术语,如OCh(光通道)、OTM(光传送模块)等,这些术语对于理解和实施协议至关重要。 3. 缩写: 协议列举了常用的缩写词,便于读者快速理解技术文档中的专业词汇。 4. 规约: 这部分详细说明了在处理OTN相关问题时应遵循的规则和约定,确保不同设备间的兼容性和互操作性。 5. 光传输网络接口结构: G.709协议详细描述了OTN的基本信号结构,包括OCh子结构、全功能OTM n.m(n ≥ 1)结构和减少功能的OTM nr.m及OTM 0.m结构。这些结构定义了光通道如何组织和承载信息。 6. 信息结构: 对OTN接口的信息结构进行了规定,明确了如何在OTN层面上组织和处理数据,以满足不同的业务需求。 7. 复用/映射原理和比特率: - 映射:协议定义了如何将不同级别的数据流(如SDH、Ethernet等)映射到OTN的光通道中,确保信息的正确传输。 - 波分复用:详细说明了WDM(Wavelength Division Multiplexing)技术,通过不同波长的光信号在同一光纤中传输多个数据流,提高光纤的容量和效率。 - 比特率和容量:规定了不同OTM层级的比特率,以及网络的总体传输能力。 G.709协议作为光通信领域的基础标准,对于构建高效、可靠且灵活的光传输网络至关重要。它的应用不仅限于基础的信号结构和复用原理,还涉及到网络规划、设备设计、故障检测和性能监控等多个层面。随着技术的发展,G.709协议也在不断更新和修订,以适应不断变化的网络环境和新兴技术的需求。
2009-10-02 上传
1 Scope 11 2 References 11 3 Terms and definitions 12 4 Abbreviations 14 5 Conventions 17 6 Optical transport network interface structure 18 6.1 Basic signal structure 19 6.1.1 OCh substructure 19 6.1.2 Full functionality OTM n.m (n ≥ 1) structure 19 6.1.3 Reduced functionality OTM nr.m and OTM 0.m structure 20 6.2 Information structure for the OTN interfaces 20 7 Multiplexing/mapping principles and bit rates 24 7.1 Mapping 26 7.2 Wavelength division multiplex 27 7.3 Bit rates and capacity 27 7.4 ODUk Time Division Multiplex 28 8 Optical transport module (OTM n.m, OTM nr.m, OTM 0.m) 30 8.1 OTM with reduced functionality (OTM 0.m, OTM nr.m, OTM-0v.m) 30 8.1.1 OTM 0.m 31 8.1.2 OTM nr.m 31 OTM 16r.m 31 OTM 32r.m 33 8.1.3 OTM 0v.m Error! Bookmark not defined. 8.2 OTM with full functionality (OTM n.m) 35 9 Physical specification of the ONNI 37 9.1 OTM 0.m 37 9.2 OTM nr.m 37 9.2.1 OTM 16r.m 37 9.2.2 OTM 32r.m 37 9.3 OTM n.m 37 9.3 OTM 0v.m Error! Bookmark not defined. 10 Optical channel (OCh) 37 10.1 OCh with full functionality (OCh) 37 10.2 OCh with reduced functionality (OChr) 38 11 Optical channel transport unit (OTU) 38 11.1 OTUk frame structure 38 11.2 Scrambling 40 12 Optical channel data unit (ODUk) 40 12.1 ODUk frame structure 40 13 Optical channel payload unit (OPUk) 41 14 OTM overhead signal (OOS) 41 15 Overhead description 41 15.1 Types of overhead 43 15.1.1 Optical channel payload unit overhead (OPUk OH) 43 15.1.2 Optical channel data unit overhead (ODUk OH) 43 15.1.3 Optical channel transport unit overhead (OTUk OH) 44 15.1.4 Optical channel non-associated overhead (OCh OH) 44 15.1.5 Optical multiplex section overhead (OMS OH) 44 15.1.6 Optical transmission section overhead (OTS OH) 44 15.1.7 General management communications overhead (COMMS OH) 44 15.2 Trail trace identifier and access point identifier definition 44 15.3 OTS OH description 46 15.3.1 OTS trail trace identifier (TTI) 46 15.3.2 OTS backward defect indication – Payload (BDI-P) 46 15.3.3 OTS backward defect indication – Overhead (BDI-O) 46 15.3.4 OTS payload missing indication (PMI) 46 15.4 OMS OH description 47 15.4.1 OMS forward defect indication – Payload (FDI-P) 47 15.4.2 OMS forward defect indication – Overhead (FDI-O) 47 15.4.3 OMS backward defect indication – Payload (BDI-P) 47 15.4.4 OMS backward defect indication – Overhead (BDI-O) 47 15.4.5 OMS payload missing indication (PMI) 47 15.5 OCh OH description 47 15.5.1 OCh forward defect indication – Payload (FDI-P) 47 15.5.2 OCh forward defect indication – Overhead (FDI-O) 47 15.5.3 OCh open connection indication (OCI) 47 15.6 OTUk/ODUk frame alignment OH description 48 15.6.1 OTUk/ODUk frame alignment overhead location 48 15.6.2 OTUk/ODUk frame alignment overhead definition 48 Frame alignment signal (FAS) 48 Multiframe alignment signal (MFAS) 48 15.7 OTUk OH description 49 15.7.1 OTUk overhead location 49 15.7.2 OTUk overhead definition 50 OTUk section monitoring (SM) overhead 50 OTUk SM trail trace identifier (TTI) 50 OTUk SM error detection code (BIP-8) 50 OTUk SM backward defect indication (BDI) 51 OTUk SM backward error indication and backward incoming alignment error (BEI/BIAE) 51 OTUk SM incoming alignment error overhead (IAE) 52 OTUk SM reserved overhead (RES) 52 OTUk general communication channel 0 (GCC0) 52 OTUk reserved overhead (RES) 52 15.7.3 OTUkV overhead 52 15.8 ODUk OH description 53 15.8.1 ODUk OH location 53 15.8.2 ODUk OH definition 54 ODUk path monitoring (PM) overhead 54 ODUk PM trail trace identifier (TTI) 54 ODUk PM error detection code (BIP-8) 54 ODUk PM backward defect indication (BDI) 55 ODUk PM backward error indication (BEI) 55 ODUk PM status (STAT) 56 ODUk tandem connection monitoring (TCM) overhead 56 ODUk TCM trail trace identifier (TTI) 58 ODUk TCM error detection code (BIP-8) 59 ODUk TCM backward defect indication (BDI) 59 ODUk TCM backward error indication (BEI) and backward incoming alignment error (BIAE) 59 ODUk TCM status (STAT) 60 TCM overhead field assignment 61 ODUk tandem connection monitoring activation/deactivation coordination protocol 62 ODUk general communication channels (GCC1, GCC2) 62 ODUk automatic protection switching and protection communication channel (APS/PCC) 62 ODUk fault type and fault location reporting communication channel (FTFL) 63 Forward/backward fault type indication field 63 Forward/backward operator identifier field 64 Forward/backward operator specific field 65 ODUk experimental overhead (EXP) 65 ODUk reserved overhead (RES) 65 15.9 OPUk OH description 65 15.9.1 OPUk OH location 65 15.9.2 OPUk OH definition 66 OPUk payload structure identifier (PSI) 66 OPUk payload type (PT) 66 OPUk mapping specific overhead 67 16 Maintenance signals 67 16.1 OTS maintenance signals 68 16.1.1 OTS payload missing indication (OTS-PMI) 68 16.2 OMS maintenance signals 68 16.2.1 OMS forward defect indication – Payload (OMS-FDI-P) 68 16.2.2 OMS forward defect indication – Overhead (OMS-FDI-O) 68 16.2.3 OMS payload missing indication (OMS-PMI) 68 16.3 OCh maintenance signals 68 16.3.1 OCh forward defect indication – Payload (OCh-FDI-P) 68 16.3.2 OCh forward defect indication – Overhead (OCh-FDI-O) 68 16.3.3 OCh open connection indication (OCh-OCI) 68 16.4 OTUk maintenance signals 68 16.4.1 OTUk alarm indication signal (OTUk-AIS) 68 16.5 ODUk maintenance signals 69 16.5.1 ODUk alarm indication signal (ODUk-AIS) 69 16.5.2 ODUk open connection indication (ODUk-OCI) 69 16.5.3 ODUk locked (ODUk-LCK) 70 16.6 Client maintenance signal 71 16.6.1 Generic AIS for constant bit rate signals 71 17 Mapping of client signals 72 17.1 Mapping of CBR2G5, CBR10G, CBR10G3 and CBR40G signals (e.g., STM-16/64/256, 10GBASE-R) into OPUk 72 17.1.1 Mapping a CBR2G5 signal (e.g., STM-16) into OPU1 74 17.1.2 Mapping a CBR10G signal (e.g., STM-64) into OPU2 75 17.1.3 Mapping a CBR40G signal (e.g. STM-256) into OPU3 75 17.1.4 Mapping a CBR10G3125 signal (e.g., 10GBASE-xR) into OPU2e 76 17.2 Mapping of ATM cell stream into OPUk 76 17.3 Mapping of GFP frames into OPUk 77 17.4 Mapping of test signal into OPUk 78 17.4.1 Mapping of a NULL client into OPUk 78 17.4.2 Mapping of PRBS test signal into OPUk 78 17.5 Mapping of a non-specific client bit stream into OPUk 79 17.5.1 Mapping bit stream with octet timing into OPUk 80 17.5.2 Mapping bit stream without octet timing into OPUk 80 17.6 Mapping of other constant bit-rate signals with justification into OPUk 80 17.7 Mapping a 1000BASE-X and FC-1200 signal via timing transparent transcoding into OPUk 80 17.7.1 Mapping a 1000BASE-X signal into OPU0 81 17.7.2 Mapping a FC-1200 signal into OPU2e 88 18 Concatenation 88 18.1 Virtual concatenation of OPUk 91 18.1.1 Virtual concatenated OPUk (OPUk-Xv, k = 1 .. 3, X = 1 .. 256) 91 18.1.2 OPUk-Xv OH description 92 OPUk-Xv OH location 92 OPUk-Xv OH definition 93 OPUk-Xv Payload Structure Identifier (PSI) 93 OPUk-Xv Payload Type (vcPT) 93 OPUk-Xv Payload Structure Identifier Reserved overhead (RES) 94 OPUk-Xv Virtual Concatenation Overhead (VCOH1/2/3) 94 OPUk-Xv Virtual Concatenation MultiFrame Indicator (MFI1, MFI2) 94 OPUk-Xv Sequence Indicator (SQ) 95 OPUk-Xv LCAS Control Words (CTRL) 95 OPUk-Xv LCAS Member Status Field (MST) 95 OPUk-Xv LCAS Group Identification (GID) 95 OPUk-Xv LCAS Re-Sequence Acknowledge (RS-Ack) 95 OPUk-Xv LCAS Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) 96 OPUk-Xv VCOH Reserved Overhead 96 OPUk Mapping Specific Overhead 96 18.2 Mapping of client signals 96 18.2.1 Mapping of CBR signals (e.g., STM-64/256) into OPUk-4v 96 Mapping a CBR10G signal (e.g. STM-64) into OPU1-4v 97 Mapping a CBR40G signal (e.g. STM-256) into OPU2-4v 98 18.2.2 Mapping of CBR signals (e.g., STM-256) into OPUk-16v 98 Mapping a CBR40G signal (e.g., STM-256) into OPU1-16v 100 18.2.3 Mapping of ATM cell stream into OPUk-Xv 101 18.2.4 Mapping of GFP frames into OPUk-Xv 102 18.2.5 Mapping of test signal into OPUk-Xv 102 Mapping of a NULL client into OPUk-Xv 102 Mapping of PRBS test signal into OPUk-Xv 103 18.2.6 Mapping of a non-specific client bit stream into OPUk-Xv 104 Mapping bit stream with octet timing into OPUk-Xv 105 Mapping bit stream without octet timing into OPUk-Xv 105 18.3 LCAS for virtual concatenation 105 19 Mapping ODUj signals into the ODTUjk and ODTU? signals 105 19.1 OPUk Tributary Slot definition 105 19.1.1 OPU2 Tributary Slot allocation 106 19.1.2 OPU3 Tributary Slot allocation 107 19.1.3 OPU4 Tributary Slot allocation 110 19.1.4 OPU1 Tributary Slot allocation 109 19.2 ODTUjk and ODTU? definitions 110 19.2.1 ODTU12 110 19.2.2 ODTU13 110 19.2.3 ODTU23 110 19.2.7 ODTU01 110 19.2.8 ODTU? Error! Bookmark not defined. 19.3 Multiplexing ODTUjk and ODTU? signals into the OPUk 111 19.3.1 ODTU12 mapping into one OPU2 2.5G Tributary Slot 111 19.3.2 ODTU13 mapping into one OPU3 2.5G Tributary Slot 112 19.3.3 ODTU23 mapping into four OPU3 2.5G Tributary Slots 113 19.3.4 ODTU01 mapping into one OPU1 1.25G Tributary Slot 114 19.4 OPUk Multiplex Overhead 115 19.4.1 OPUk Multiplex Structure Identifier (MSI) 118 OPU2 Multiplex Structure Identifier (MSI) 119 OPU3 Multiplex Structure Identifier (MSI) 119 OPU4 Multiplex Structure Identifier (MSI) 120 OPU1 Multiplex Structure Identifier (MSI) Error! Bookmark not defined. 19.4.2 OPUk Payload Structure Identifier Reserved overhead (RES) 120 19.4.3 OPUk Multiplex Justification Overhead (JOH) 121 Asynchronous Mapping Procedure Error! Bookmark not defined. Asynchronous Generic Mapping Procedure Error! Bookmark not defined. 19.4.4 OPU4 Multi Frame Identifier overhead (OMFI) 121 19.5 Mapping ODUj into ODTUjk 121 19.5.1 Mapping ODU1 into ODTU12 122 19.5.2 Mapping ODU1 into ODTU13 123 19.5.3 Mapping ODU2 into ODTU23 124 19.5.4 Mapping ODU0 into ODTU01 126 ODU0 into OPUk Tributary Slot Mapping Error! Bookmark not defined. 19.6 Mapping ODUj into ODTU? Error! Bookmark not defined.
2009-10-02 上传
1 Scope 11 2 References 11 3 Terms and definitions 12 4 Abbreviations 14 5 Conventions 17 6 Optical transport network interface structure 18 6.1 Basic signal structure 19 6.1.1 OCh substructure 19 6.1.2 Full functionality OTM n.m (n ≥ 1) structure 19 6.1.3 Reduced functionality OTM nr.m and OTM 0.m structure 20 6.2 Information structure for the OTN interfaces 20 7 Multiplexing/mapping principles and bit rates 24 7.1 Mapping 26 7.2 Wavelength division multiplex 27 7.3 Bit rates and capacity 27 7.4 ODUk Time Division Multiplex 28 8 Optical transport module (OTM n.m, OTM nr.m, OTM 0.m) 30 8.1 OTM with reduced functionality (OTM 0.m, OTM nr.m, OTM-0v.m) 30 8.1.1 OTM 0.m 31 8.1.2 OTM nr.m 31 OTM 16r.m 31 OTM 32r.m 33 8.1.3 OTM 0v.m Error! Bookmark not defined. 8.2 OTM with full functionality (OTM n.m) 35 9 Physical specification of the ONNI 37 9.1 OTM 0.m 37 9.2 OTM nr.m 37 9.2.1 OTM 16r.m 37 9.2.2 OTM 32r.m 37 9.3 OTM n.m 37 9.3 OTM 0v.m Error! Bookmark not defined. 10 Optical channel (OCh) 37 10.1 OCh with full functionality (OCh) 37 10.2 OCh with reduced functionality (OChr) 38 11 Optical channel transport unit (OTU) 38 11.1 OTUk frame structure 38 11.2 Scrambling 40 12 Optical channel data unit (ODUk) 40 12.1 ODUk frame structure 40 13 Optical channel payload unit (OPUk) 41 14 OTM overhead signal (OOS) 41 15 Overhead description 41 15.1 Types of overhead 43 15.1.1 Optical channel payload unit overhead (OPUk OH) 43 15.1.2 Optical channel data unit overhead (ODUk OH) 43 15.1.3 Optical channel transport unit overhead (OTUk OH) 44 15.1.4 Optical channel non-associated overhead (OCh OH) 44 15.1.5 Optical multiplex section overhead (OMS OH) 44 15.1.6 Optical transmission section overhead (OTS OH) 44 15.1.7 General management communications overhead (COMMS OH) 44 15.2 Trail trace identifier and access point identifier definition 44 15.3 OTS OH description 46 15.3.1 OTS trail trace identifier (TTI) 46 15.3.2 OTS backward defect indication – Payload (BDI-P) 46 15.3.3 OTS backward defect indication – Overhead (BDI-O) 46 15.3.4 OTS payload missing indication (PMI) 46 15.4 OMS OH description 47 15.4.1 OMS forward defect indication – Payload (FDI-P) 47 15.4.2 OMS forward defect indication – Overhead (FDI-O) 47 15.4.3 OMS backward defect indication – Payload (BDI-P) 47 15.4.4 OMS backward defect indication – Overhead (BDI-O) 47 15.4.5 OMS payload missing indication (PMI) 47 15.5 OCh OH description 47 15.5.1 OCh forward defect indication – Payload (FDI-P) 47 15.5.2 OCh forward defect indication – Overhead (FDI-O) 47 15.5.3 OCh open connection indication (OCI) 47 15.6 OTUk/ODUk frame alignment OH description 48 15.6.1 OTUk/ODUk frame alignment overhead location 48 15.6.2 OTUk/ODUk frame alignment overhead definition 48 Frame alignment signal (FAS) 48 Multiframe alignment signal (MFAS) 48 15.7 OTUk OH description 49 15.7.1 OTUk overhead location 49 15.7.2 OTUk overhead definition 50 OTUk section monitoring (SM) overhead 50 OTUk SM trail trace identifier (TTI) 50 OTUk SM error detection code (BIP-8) 50 OTUk SM backward defect indication (BDI) 51 OTUk SM backward error indication and backward incoming alignment error (BEI/BIAE) 51 OTUk SM incoming alignment error overhead (IAE) 52 OTUk SM reserved overhead (RES) 52 OTUk general communication channel 0 (GCC0) 52 OTUk reserved overhead (RES) 52 15.7.3 OTUkV overhead 52 15.8 ODUk OH description 53 15.8.1 ODUk OH location 53 15.8.2 ODUk OH definition 54 ODUk path monitoring (PM) overhead 54 ODUk PM trail trace identifier (TTI) 54 ODUk PM error detection code (BIP-8) 54 ODUk PM backward defect indication (BDI) 55 ODUk PM backward error indication (BEI) 55 ODUk PM status (STAT) 56 ODUk tandem connection monitoring (TCM) overhead 56 ODUk TCM trail trace identifier (TTI) 58 ODUk TCM error detection code (BIP-8) 59 ODUk TCM backward defect indication (BDI) 59 ODUk TCM backward error indication (BEI) and backward incoming alignment error (BIAE) 59 ODUk TCM status (STAT) 60 TCM overhead field assignment 61 ODUk tandem connection monitoring activation/deactivation coordination protocol 62 ODUk general communication channels (GCC1, GCC2) 62 ODUk automatic protection switching and protection communication channel (APS/PCC) 62 ODUk fault type and fault location reporting communication channel (FTFL) 63 Forward/backward fault type indication field 63 Forward/backward operator identifier field 64 Forward/backward operator specific field 65 ODUk experimental overhead (EXP) 65 ODUk reserved overhead (RES) 65 15.9 OPUk OH description 65 15.9.1 OPUk OH location 65 15.9.2 OPUk OH definition 66 OPUk payload structure identifier (PSI) 66 OPUk payload type (PT) 66 OPUk mapping specific overhead 67 16 Maintenance signals 67 16.1 OTS maintenance signals 68 16.1.1 OTS payload missing indication (OTS-PMI) 68 16.2 OMS maintenance signals 68 16.2.1 OMS forward defect indication – Payload (OMS-FDI-P) 68 16.2.2 OMS forward defect indication – Overhead (OMS-FDI-O) 68 16.2.3 OMS payload missing indication (OMS-PMI) 68 16.3 OCh maintenance signals 68 16.3.1 OCh forward defect indication – Payload (OCh-FDI-P) 68 16.3.2 OCh forward defect indication – Overhead (OCh-FDI-O) 68 16.3.3 OCh open connection indication (OCh-OCI) 68 16.4 OTUk maintenance signals 68 16.4.1 OTUk alarm indication signal (OTUk-AIS) 68 16.5 ODUk maintenance signals 69 16.5.1 ODUk alarm indication signal (ODUk-AIS) 69 16.5.2 ODUk open connection indication (ODUk-OCI) 69 16.5.3 ODUk locked (ODUk-LCK) 70 16.6 Client maintenance signal 71 16.6.1 Generic AIS for constant bit rate signals 71 17 Mapping of client signals 72 17.1 Mapping of CBR2G5, CBR10G, CBR10G3 and CBR40G signals (e.g., STM-16/64/256, 10GBASE-R) into OPUk 72 17.1.1 Mapping a CBR2G5 signal (e.g., STM-16) into OPU1 74 17.1.2 Mapping a CBR10G signal (e.g., STM-64) into OPU2 75 17.1.3 Mapping a CBR40G signal (e.g. STM-256) into OPU3 75 17.1.4 Mapping a CBR10G3125 signal (e.g., 10GBASE-xR) into OPU2e 76 17.2 Mapping of ATM cell stream into OPUk 76 17.3 Mapping of GFP frames into OPUk 77 17.4 Mapping of test signal into OPUk 78 17.4.1 Mapping of a NULL client into OPUk 78 17.4.2 Mapping of PRBS test signal into OPUk 78 17.5 Mapping of a non-specific client bit stream into OPUk 79 17.5.1 Mapping bit stream with octet timing into OPUk 80 17.5.2 Mapping bit stream without octet timing into OPUk 80 17.6 Mapping of other constant bit-rate signals with justification into OPUk 80 17.7 Mapping a 1000BASE-X and FC-1200 signal via timing transparent transcoding into OPUk 80 17.7.1 Mapping a 1000BASE-X signal into OPU0 81 17.7.2 Mapping a FC-1200 signal into OPU2e 88 18 Concatenation 88 18.1 Virtual concatenation of OPUk 91 18.1.1 Virtual concatenated OPUk (OPUk-Xv, k = 1 .. 3, X = 1 .. 256) 91 18.1.2 OPUk-Xv OH description 92 OPUk-Xv OH location 92 OPUk-Xv OH definition 93 OPUk-Xv Payload Structure Identifier (PSI) 93 OPUk-Xv Payload Type (vcPT) 93 OPUk-Xv Payload Structure Identifier Reserved overhead (RES) 94 OPUk-Xv Virtual Concatenation Overhead (VCOH1/2/3) 94 OPUk-Xv Virtual Concatenation MultiFrame Indicator (MFI1, MFI2) 94 OPUk-Xv Sequence Indicator (SQ) 95 OPUk-Xv LCAS Control Words (CTRL) 95 OPUk-Xv LCAS Member Status Field (MST) 95 OPUk-Xv LCAS Group Identification (GID) 95 OPUk-Xv LCAS Re-Sequence Acknowledge (RS-Ack) 95 OPUk-Xv LCAS Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) 96 OPUk-Xv VCOH Reserved Overhead 96 OPUk Mapping Specific Overhead 96 18.2 Mapping of client signals 96 18.2.1 Mapping of CBR signals (e.g., STM-64/256) into OPUk-4v 96 Mapping a CBR10G signal (e.g. STM-64) into OPU1-4v 97 Mapping a CBR40G signal (e.g. STM-256) into OPU2-4v 98 18.2.2 Mapping of CBR signals (e.g., STM-256) into OPUk-16v 98 Mapping a CBR40G signal (e.g., STM-256) into OPU1-16v 100 18.2.3 Mapping of ATM cell stream into OPUk-Xv 101 18.2.4 Mapping of GFP frames into OPUk-Xv 102 18.2.5 Mapping of test signal into OPUk-Xv 102 Mapping of a NULL client into OPUk-Xv 102 Mapping of PRBS test signal into OPUk-Xv 103 18.2.6 Mapping of a non-specific client bit stream into OPUk-Xv 104 Mapping bit stream with octet timing into OPUk-Xv 105 Mapping bit stream without octet timing into OPUk-Xv 105 18.3 LCAS for virtual concatenation 105 19 Mapping ODUj signals into the ODTUjk and ODTU? signals 105 19.1 OPUk Tributary Slot definition 105 19.1.1 OPU2 Tributary Slot allocation 106 19.1.2 OPU3 Tributary Slot allocation 107 19.1.3 OPU4 Tributary Slot allocation 110 19.1.4 OPU1 Tributary Slot allocation 109 19.2 ODTUjk and ODTU? definitions 110 19.2.1 ODTU12 110 19.2.2 ODTU13 110 19.2.3 ODTU23 110 19.2.7 ODTU01 110 19.2.8 ODTU? Error! Bookmark not defined. 19.3 Multiplexing ODTUjk and ODTU? signals into the OPUk 111 19.3.1 ODTU12 mapping into one OPU2 2.5G Tributary Slot 111 19.3.2 ODTU13 mapping into one OPU3 2.5G Tributary Slot 112 19.3.3 ODTU23 mapping into four OPU3 2.5G Tributary Slots 113 19.3.4 ODTU01 mapping into one OPU1 1.25G Tributary Slot 114 19.4 OPUk Multiplex Overhead 115 19.4.1 OPUk Multiplex Structure Identifier (MSI) 118 OPU2 Multiplex Structure Identifier (MSI) 119 OPU3 Multiplex Structure Identifier (MSI) 119 OPU4 Multiplex Structure Identifier (MSI) 120 OPU1 Multiplex Structure Identifier (MSI) Error! Bookmark not defined. 19.4.2 OPUk Payload Structure Identifier Reserved overhead (RES) 120 19.4.3 OPUk Multiplex Justification Overhead (JOH) 121 Asynchronous Mapping Procedure Error! Bookmark not defined. Asynchronous Generic Mapping Procedure Error! Bookmark not defined. 19.4.4 OPU4 Multi Frame Identifier overhead (OMFI) 121 19.5 Mapping ODUj into ODTUjk 121 19.5.1 Mapping ODU1 into ODTU12 122 19.5.2 Mapping ODU1 into ODTU13 123 19.5.3 Mapping ODU2 into ODTU23 124 19.5.4 Mapping ODU0 into ODTU01 126 ODU0 into OPUk Tributary Slot Mapping Error! Bookmark not defined. 19.6 Mapping ODUj into ODTU