
需积分: 5 1 下载量 7 浏览量 更新于2024-04-16 收藏 1.13MB DOC 举报
The development of private parking space sharing system is crucial in modern management. This paper provides a detailed overview of the entire development process of such a system. By analyzing the shortcomings in the management of private parking spaces, a solution for computerized management of private parking space sharing system is proposed. The paper covers various aspects of the system, including feasibility analysis, system design, database design, and system testing. The private parking space sharing system is designed to have two main roles - administrators and users. Administrators have the ability to manage user information, vehicle type information, and review leasing orders submitted by users. On the other hand, users can register, log in, add vehicle information, view parking space availability, rent parking spaces, and make payments. With the use of Java SSM framework for backend development, MySQL for database management, and WeChat Developer Tools for the mini-program interface, the system ensures stability and reliability. The system features a clear interface, easy operation, and comprehensive functionality, making the management of private parking space sharing systematic and standardized. In conclusion, the private parking space sharing system described in this paper offers practicality and efficiency in managing private parking spaces. The system provides a solution to the lack of organization and efficiency in managing private parking spaces and streamlines the process for both administrators and users. Overall, the system has the potential to improve the management of private parking spaces and contribute to a more efficient and organized management system. Keywords: Private parking space sharing system; SSM framework; MYSQL database; WeChat mini-program